CHRISTmas was great this year wasn't it! So now why not start planning for 2010 and take advantage of all the great deals going on. I received an email a couple of days ago from and they are having a pretty good sale on their "Jesus is the Gift" line. So far it's up to 75% off and it includes household items, gift bags, and evangelism ideas and resources. They also have CHRISTmas cards that can be personalized that I used last year to help spread the Good News among my co workers on up to the General Manager of our company, it was great!!!
Also check out Christian book stores for deals that will help you advance the Kingdom through out the year too. I use they have mugs for birthdays, pens, Scripture candy, journals, kids gifts, t-shirts etc...there are so many ways to share Jesus! Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.
I know some of you took what you learned here and went for it- God was pleased by your efforts and your fellowman was blessed because of your love for their souls!!
Have a great week ahead and get in on those deals that will help make spreading the Gospel easier and less expensive for the upcoming year. Remember...
Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥ Prayer for Everyone Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
I had a FB friend jokingly post that we could all just give our gifts away this year to total strangers. I then added yes, and we could tell the people as we gave them our gifts that- This is just a small example of what Jesus did for you when He died on the Cross! I thought that was a GREAT IDEA but just so I don't offend those who will be looking for me to wear those CHRISTmas socks on the 26th,I've decided that next year I'm going to buy gifts for strangers and use it as an Evangelistic tool!!!
What did you "give" others this year in the name of our LORD? I know some of you were working this CHRISTmas season to the utmost for the LORD!! Homeless outreaches, CHRISTmas card outreaches, etc..I think God loves it when we bless each other, that's His nature and I also believe that a soul reached for God, is the greatest gift that we can give back to Him!
Merry CHRISTmas everybody!
Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥ Prayer for Everyone Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters
As 2010 approaches I want to encourage you all to spend some concentrated time with God and ask Him to give you a "Soul Winning Battle Rhythm" for the new year. What is a Battle Rhythm you may be asking. To me it's a specific method I use to to synchronize details so I can achieve my goals. It's doable, it's consistent, and it's intentional in it's objectives. If you are serious about being a Minister of Reconciliation in 2010 and beyond then I encourage you to go to God and ask him what Battle Rhythm will work best for you in your situation. I know we'd like to sometimes just fly by the seat of our pants but that's not a good way to maximize our time, talent, and resources. God told the Prophet to write it down, and run with it! Habakkuk 2:2-4 (21st Century King James Version) 2And the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. 3For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie. Though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not tarry. 4Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith.
As 2009 comes to an end now is a good time for some of us to take a good hard look at where we are NOW and where we are GOING for GOD. If you are reading this and something in you is jumping hot right now, then make up your mind right now that 2010 is going to be your year to be God's hands, feet, and voice!!!Write down what you want to do and present it to God. He will add, change, or modify it to fit His will for your life. Let me give you a peek into my 2010 Soul Winning Battle Rhythm. I plan to personally lead 25+ people to the LORD in 2010. I plan to map out and have with my husband and others a neighborhood outreach of some sort. I plan to put at least 25 tracts a month in strategic places. I plan to partner with a local street team to assist them in their soul winning efforts. You see what I'm saying?! These are just some of what I have envisioned for 2010. NOW is the time to go all out and do for God and your fellowman like never before. WHY? Because these are the last days?? No. Because these are our last days meaning.. tomorrow is never promised and if we are going to be aggressive for God 2010 is going to be the year for us to go all out for the King and His Kingdom. Be encouraged and....
Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥ Prayer for Everyone Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters
So you were at church Sunday and you were singing Yes...Yes...Yes... to the LORD's call for you to walk more fully in your calling to help reconcile the world back to God. Notice I didn't say Evangelist (-: We all have the ministry of reconciliation...are you a Christian? Great, than you are a Minister of Reconciliation.2 Corinthians 5:18-20 So Monday came and you felt that fire to tell somebody about Jesus but you kind of froze, that's ok and it's perfectly normal. Everybody doesn't start out diving in head first..some of us want to get in the water a little at a time and that's progress just the same!! So today I want us to explore the great ministry of tracts or "Pocket Preachers" as I refer to them. Below are just some suggestions of where you and I can place tracts. Remember tracts are a great start but eventually your goal is to be able to share Christ in YOUR own words,with YOUR own testimony to His LORDSHIP. So with that being said let's see how we can let these Pocket Preachers do the first anyways (-:
* On Park Benches * Letters and bills * In Christmas Cards, Easter Cards etc * Gas stations * Restaurants (you could leave a tract with the bill and tip)A Favorite! * Car windows * Beer and soda cases (simply slide a smaller tract into the slit) * Newspaper and magazine racks * Fast food Drive Thru windows (hand one out when you pay) * ATM machines * Goody bags * At Public Events * Public Restrooms * Amusement Parks * Bank Deposit Container * Attach a Few to Your Mailbox
Do you see the possibilities?!!! Tracts ROCK!!! Now once you are ready to hand them out to people do it as much as possible! This is one of the ways I give out tracts to people I say,"Can I bless you with this, if you don't need it will you pass it on for me?" I don't always know when somebody is Saved so that way we can ask them to pass it on if they are. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is definitely a blessing. I believe in what I'm promoting strongly and it comes through as you begin to pass these out. I always say Be Prepared, Be Yourself, and Be Obedient but I want to add one more Be Joyful. Nothing affects people more while doing any type of ministry, like the joy of the LORD.
Have a great week ahead and take full advantage of the warmness of this season to get your ministry of reconciliation ON! (-:
Prayer for Everyone Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters
♥~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~♥ We Thank You & We Love You God Blesses You ♥~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~♥
Ho Ho no, no, no!LOL!!! While we're out shopping and visiting, helping out our neighbors, or at church this weekend let's do all that we can to share JESUS as being the Reason for the Season! Invite somebody to church especially if you are going to have an evangelistic Christmas program! If you have some tracts and church brochures give them out every chance you get! People are WIDE OPEN this time of year so, while you and your family are enjoying the season, do a little Kingdom Expansion in the process..all those we touch for Heaven will be eternally grateful (-:
Prayer for Everyone Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters
♥~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~♥ We Thank You & We Love You God Blesses You ♥~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~♥
26Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." 27So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopiand]">[d]eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, 28and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah the prophet. 29The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it."
30Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip asked.
31"How can I," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?" So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
32The eunuch was reading this passage of Scripture: "He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before the shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 33In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth."e]">[e]
34The eunuch asked Philip, "Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?" 35Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.
36As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"f]">[f]38And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. Acts 8:26-38
Are you available to God? Yes, I know you have a full time job, kids, ministry etc...but are you available for more of the supernatural? Are you spending enough time with God that should an angel or the Spirit of God want to send you to the bathroom where a co worker is in there crying or into the cafeteria where someone is reading the Word but they don't understand and God wants to use you like Phillip? What about God wanting you to go the grocery store to aisle 5 because there is a woman in a blue shirt that is contemplating suicide and He wants you to go and talk to her. As Christians we should so expect God to use us in these divine ways. I remember God telling me to ask this stranger if she needed prayer while I was power walking on a trail. I stopped her and asked and she busted out crying. She was already a believer but she had been crying out to God for some answers, she needed to know that God cared. We prayed together..I saw her again a couple of weeks ago it had been almost 2 months since our encounter, she said everything we prayed for came to pass and she's doing great! Be open to God increasing the supernatural to you in the upcoming year. I have a stirring in me that God wants to use us in some fascinating ways this upcoming year. Ways that will leave us and the other person or people saying I know that was God!!!
Remember the 3 B's- Be Prepared to share Christ and or be a blessing, Be Yourself-relax, listen and enjoy it, Be Obedient to both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Love and blessings in abundance to you!!! (-:
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
Last time we talked about God placing us in the neighborhoods where He wants us, living next to the people that He wants to pursue through YOU AND ME! What an honor!!!As Christians our lives, gifts, talents, money, and time no longer belong to us (as if any of it ever did ) but to Jesus the King.. Galatians 2:20 and 2 Corinthians 5:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Then we are ambassadors for Christ. We have God's message, are His authorized messengers, and speak for God, beseeching you for Christ, and in His name, to be reconciled to God by repentance and the obedience of faith.
I finished off last time giving some tips on how to reach out and one was just letting people tell you what ails them. So when I saw my neighbors outside ..I had a purpose and that purpose was to share Jesus and the Kingdom with them that was my focus, I didn't even think they might have some things to share. So I pull up to my house and my neighbors are outside drinking and talking, a daughter and her dad. So I start talking to them about the weather, anyone who lives in Va can tell you that this is the only state where you can experience all 4 seasons in a single day!LOL! We talked about CHRISTmas and how unattractive the commercialism of it is. Then my neighbors just started opening up..telling me about painful experiences, hard things, that they went through and it was hard to sit there without shedding a tear from time to time. I wanted to share Jesus so bad because I knew He was the answer! The answer to Eternal life for them and for their emotional healing as well. Then the door opened and I walked through it as they intently listened to me share with them how God saved me on the streets of NJ at 15. I began to cry as I do now when I think about how He pursued me and what Jesus dying in my place has meant to me. As I began to cry and just thank God the dad comes over and hugs me..I didn't even think about pulling away. I dried my eyes and thanked him and he smiled and walked back over to his daughter...there was a pause and then the daughter told me how someone shot her son execution style earlier this year. I just stood there listening...what do I say to that??? I didn't know what to say. The only thing that I could say was, what a man sows he reaps and that God is the Judge, jury and dispenser of justice. They agreed. This incident was still fresh in their minds, the rushing home and finding her son lying lifeless at her feet as she walked through her front door, the funeral filled with gunfire and fear. Two more young men gunned down just months do you ask the greatest question ever to be asked..would you like to accept Christ as Savior?I didn't. After she talked I asked them if I ever shared with them how I met my husband and how God put us together. They said no with anticipation in their voices so I went on to tell my story. One day I'll be able to ask them the greatest question ever asked. I'm glad for now just knowing that we've shared our testimonies with most of them and they know that we care about them enough stop, listen, help them, and interact with them as much as possible. Mankind matters to God, and as Christians mankind being loved and being offered reconciliation with God should always matter to us as well.
I'm thanking God in advance for all of the opportunities that you all will seize to share Jesus love with your neighbors this week. Remember the 3 B's- Be Prepared to share Christ and or be a blessing, Be Yourself-relax, listen and enjoy it, Be Obedient to both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Love and blessings in abundance to you!!! (-:
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
Today I want to talk some more about our neighbors. Like em or not God has strategically placed you and I right where He wants us. I know we like to think that our incomes got us placed where we are or circumstances positive or negative, but as a Kingdom citizen and Ambassador we are placed wherever the King places us. So with that in mind look at where you've been placed...what is in you that your neighbors need. What is in your neighbors that you need? Yes, you may need something, remember this occurrence 2 Kings 4:3 Elisha said, "Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. This woman had to be a good neighbor because her neighbors gave to her, when she went to them for help. Please don't say within yourself, well I'll never need anything from them. Do you really know the God you serve? He will do whatever it takes to snatch somebody from the kingdom of darkness that means He will allow your battery to die just so you have to go to your neighbor and make contact. WHY? Because He's pursuing them....through YOU AND ME!!!! What an honor!!! We are God's legal representatives in the earth, He has given us His authority to represent Him to the world. He wants your neighbors saved just like He wanted you and I saved. Ok so maybe you and your neighbors have had some disagreements look what Jesus said way back in Leviticus 19:18 " 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. WOW!!! do you know how many times neighbors are mentioned in the Bible? Well over a 100 times and each time God is telling us to treat them fair and admonishing us to dwell side by side with them securely. I can honestly say I'm thankful for my neighbors. They are a wild bunch, they party all night, play the WII in front of their houses til 2am and because my husband and I have made ourselves available to them for loves sake and the Kings sake they come and get my husband when someone is hurting real bad. They come and get my husband when one their boys are trying to commit suicide. They come to me for food or a ride, or just talk about God. WHY? Because God loves them, and wants to love on them through you and I. It's not about's about God showering them with His love through tangible means. As Christians it is so important to be actively engaged in doing God's Word. He said You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Step out tomorrow, this week and so on and ask God how He wants you to affect your neighbors. Maybe it's buying some doughnuts for them. or cutting their grass, maybe it's just taking the time to sit and let them tell you what ails them..That's what happened to me today. I talked with my neighbors for an hour and a half and I'll tell you next Monday what happened..
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
Did you see "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" remember some of the words that he and Grandpa Joe sang when Charlie found it? Here you go...
I never thought my life could be Anything but catastrophe But suddenly I begin to see A bit of good luck for me 'Cause I've got a golden ticket I've got a golden twinkle in my eye
As we evangelize more and more, we need to let people know up front that Jesus IS NOT a GOLDEN TICKET. Jesus is not going to wave a magic wand and POOF all their troubles and trials in the world are going to disappear. Jesus commands us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Jesus is not going to plant a "money tree" in their backyard for their use only while neighbors suffer lack. No, He promises to supply them with enough so they can be blessed and bless others. Jesus is not going to take them from a size 18 to a 10 magically, He will give wisdom and endurance to do it naturally so their temple will be one that He can use for years, and years, and years.
We don't need to use gimmicks or tactics to bring people to Jesus it's NOT necessary, truth is what is required. The first thing Jesus said was REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. In Matthew chapters 5-7 Jesus teaches the Kingdom. It's RELATIONSHIP first then the RICHES of wisdom, joy, peace, etc... As you share Jesus Christ this week focus on Christ, now you may have to feed some folk, heal some folk or cast out some demons but before they leave your presence tell them that God sent His Son into this world to die in their place. Tell them that He loves them and desires to know them intimately and spend eternity with them ultimately. We don't have to "sell Jesus" we simply inform them of their standing with God as them being "outside" the kingdom and invite them to come to the KING of the kingdom for entrance into His eternal Kingdom. It's a dangerous thing to present Jesus as a Golden Ticket. I can tell you of many phone calls my husband and I have received from saints that received Jesus as their Golden Ticket to only be disillusioned and tore up to find out otherwise.
Keeping things in perspective. Peter said LORD we have given up ALL and followed you and what did Jesus tell him? He said you will receive 100 fold of all that you have given up from people to property in this life and in the life to come with persecution! With you hear that preached? I do thank GOD, so when I present Christ I present Christ and we can talk about the riches after they meet Jesus face to face in the spirit. God is all about abundant life John 10:10 but Jesus main focus, purpose, and destiny was to be a bridge for man to be able to return back to God for cleansing, relationship and eternal life. Share Jesus Christ and Him crucified and not Jesus the Golden Ticket...
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
So today I want to encourage you towards your neighbors, they're close and you don't have to go far right?! Oh my! I hear some of you saying right now, You don't know my neighbors, they are an unsavory bunch of folk! They don't speak to me when I speak to them, or maybe they've offended you in some way and now you just don't want to be bothered. Can I get REAL? Some of our neighbors are in sin and they are separated from God, the same God that we so lavishly love, and pour out our praises on. Don't we want our neighbors to experience God too as well as, our family, and our co-workers? GOD DOES! (-: Be "Soul friendly" and don't "Go plastic" on God! Sometimes we can turn into what I call "Bubble Christians" we get Saved and instead of developing an outward mentality of purpose we go inward. Kind of like we get scared or worse we get puffed up in the process of being cleaned up, and think that we've arrived and it's now about my 4 and no more! God didn't Save us from the World. He Saved us from sin and it's penalty, death and separation from God. As Christians we are to go back into the world and help God pull them out the same as He pulled us out, BY TELLING SOMEONE ABOUT JESUS, it's the same way the Apostles and the church have been doing it, and it works!
Ok, so let me share with you some ways to reach out! This first tip is a biggie, especially if you are an introvert. It may take some prayer to get your courage up but you can do it... Say HELLO, I'am so and so...and I just wanted to introduce myself, and if you need anything let me know. Isn't that neighborly?! That's how we do it, then we purposely look for ways to be a blessing. Whenever something happens on our block to a neighbor they immediately come and get my husband. So someone told my husband about a family that was in a desperate situation. Like Kristie said earlier today in her blog about children helping out.. the devil will tell you all kinds of junk to keep you from helping somebody out! Stupid stuff like they really don't need the help, they're trying to play you etc..the greatest thing I ever heard in that area was by Bishop Coutney McBath. He said," I'd rather help someone and be played than to miss out helping someone who really had a need because I was scared to get played." I LOVE THAT! So Reg went and talked to the husband and we started making phone calls, soon others wanted to get in on helping this family too. We ended up having enough resources to help them for a whole month and so you know what else, the help lead to influence and the influence lead to trust. That trust gave us favor for their future because we were both able to share Christ and His love with them over and over again. The fruit? The wife ended up giving her life to Christ and prayerfully the husband will follow. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!
Proverbs 3:28 says Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"— when you now have it with you.What do you have to give? JESUS!!! We as Christians have a love relationship with the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE...Materially maybe you are strapped financially, or have just enough for your family, maybe you have a lot and can buy them a gas card, or some toys for their kids. Recently we have had to buy a brand new sink and vanity because our old one broke and taxes are due for the house in Dec. What could we do today to bless our neighbors? We have an extra box of Tide today that we can give. Share Jesus and some kindness with your neighbors and watch what God does with it. (-:
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
It's Sunday and what a wonderful day it has been thus far! Pastor preached about the blessings of Abraham and had some members give their testimonies, it was rich!!! So now the week is coming up and we already have it mapped out right?! So let me encourage you to see yourself with the eyes of faith, see yourself telling others about Jesus as you are going through out your week. Think about your testimony, think about what God what has done for you. Think about how good it feels to be washed in the blood of Jesus and experiencing eternal life. Whether at work, the gym, the grocery store, or just sitting on your front porch you have the key( Jesus) to help set others free.
Psalm 81:10 (21st Century King James Version) 10 I'am the LORD thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt. Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Why would God do that because He brought us out so we help Him bring others in!
Will you take God at His Word this week?
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
So Wednesday started off with a bang! I went to the house of prayer and stayed there just praying and worshiping for a couple of hours. As I left prayer I was super charged and I really wanted to talk to somebody about Jesus while I was working out. That's what our focus is right,"Lifestyle Evangelism" sharing Jesus in practical ways while we go through this life. So as I go to my favorite spot in the woods to work out the LORD starts speaking to me. I ask Him how do you want me to open this conversation. One thing I have learned from years of evangelism is that each person that God brings across your path is like a customized vehicle. There are no two alike, so my approach isn't always the same every time because God knows their hearts, I don't, so I have to lean on Him to help me know what to say to get them engaged and keep them engaged.
So I'm power walking and here comes this gentlemen and God says talk to him and I say ok..and I freeze!!! What in the world! So I say God I'm not ashamed,what happened?!? He proceeds to tell me that I was intimidated by him because of his ethnicity. I'm like REALLY?? I just repented right there on the spot and asked for help. Then I thought back to all those that I had ministered to over the years and the majority were from one race of people simply because that race of people were the majority of people in my area. Ok, so I move on and here comes another man of that same ethnicity. So as he comes toward me I ask him- can I ask you a question. He slows down and says yes, so I ask him, Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins? He stops walking and says he never really gave it much thought, he only knows that things were written about Jesus. So he starts to walk away and I ask him, Are you concerned about the afterlife?? Thank You Holy Spirit! That was another customized question to keep him engaged. He moves closer to me and says yes kind of softly I have thought about it. Then he stiffens up and says but for me when I die I'm going in the ground. I said so for you there is no Heaven or Hell right? He says yes. Then I say to him, Can I tell you something and he says yes. I begin to tell him my testimony of how I lived on the street at 15 and how God sent Ms.Fawn all the way from Ga to NJ to tell me about Jesus and all that He did for me. How much He loved me and wanted to have a relationship with me, how much He wanted me to spend eternity with Him. He listened and as I finished I invited him to accept Christ and he just shook his head and said no. I asked him could I pray for him..he said as you wish..and we parted ways. My heart broke for him, but now with that seed planted I prayed that God would keep sending laborers to water that Word believing, that God WILL get the increase. Have a great week- end and remember you can incorporate sharing Jesus into your lifestyle! He would not have told us to do it if it were not possible to accomplish.As always..Be prepared, Be yourself and Be obedient. They are out there waiting for us...
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
My son accepted Christ early on in life as did my daughter. They both have their own unique ways of sharing Christ. My daughter at 2 ( she's now 17) would ask for me to get the waitress to come over to our table, at EVERY restaurant that we went to. WHY you may ask? So she could ask them one simple question...DO YOU LOVE JESUS??? Or sometime she would say DO YOU KNOW JESUS??? I've seen waitresses turn every shade of red!LOL! I remember my daughter ministering at the Post Office too @ 4yrs old, it was something to behold! I've heard her on the phone telling her friends that she will pray for them, and I just rejoice that @ 17 she's still excited about God.
So at 8 yrs old my son started awakening to the LORD and His call. School had just started back and I put a little pocket Bible in his backpack with some tracts. I'd go pick him up after work and the day care workers would refer to him as "Preacha man" I thought that was so cute not realizing fully what the LORD was doing in him and through him. So after school one day my son tells me that he lead one of his classmates to the LORD. I was so excited!! I asked him what he said and what they prayed and on and on!LOL He told me that she came to his Bible study that he had some mornings at school, ahhh that's why they called him Preacha it! After ward he gave the little girl a Bible and that's when it got interesting. The Dad came into school in a very threatening manner asking who was the little boy that gave his daughter the Bible. We were upset to say the least and my son was scared. He said he didn't want to say anything about Jesus anymore. We told him no, no, that's what the devil would love. He was still shook days after the incident. We prayed with him, over him, and we gave him Scriptures to help him get through. It seemed like no matter what we did we couldn't console him. BUT GOD!!!
One morning I came to wake him up and he awoke just beaming! He said God gave him the most wonderful dream. In it we all had gone to Heaven. He said me and my daughter had gotten there first and he and dad came later. He said that as he and dad walked through the gates of Heaven a big angel came to them and showed them a a huge curtain. The angel said to my son behind this curtain are all your rewards!!! Then he woke up. God did what we couldn't and I'm thankful for Him ministering to my son..His son in that manner. He has lead 3 other children to the LORD since then and he even wrote a note for one of the kids to give to a parent. On the note my son wrote about what Jesus did and how to get Saved. Well about a month ago my son comes home and tells me that the last little boy that he lead to the LORD gave his mom the note, she read it and accepted Christ!!! Hallelujah!!! He also gave the children Bibles and not one parent came looking for him...(-: No matter what the response is to our attempts to share Christ and bring in the harvest we must NEVER give up because if a 2yr old and an 8yr old can do it what about us!!!
Have a great week ahead and sow, water, and be open for God to use you to possibly bring in the harvest to!!!! Remember, Be prepared..Be yourself.. and Be obedient! (-:
Pray about it!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 14:23 An the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥
We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ
Holy Spirit lead us to know when the door is wide open to witness. In the words we should speak for the glory of God in Jesus name. Amen
2 Timothy 4:5
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
An Ambassador of God
2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.
Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.
Seek 1st the Kingdom
Prayer of Salvation
God I come to You right now acknowledging that I'm a sinner. I understand that I was born into sin and that Jesus was born into the world specifically to die for my sins. I ask You God to please wash me clean from my sins right now, please forgive me. I want to know You and serve You. I ask You to come and live inside of me right now. I ask You to show me how to live for You, and reveal to me the plans that You have for my life. Thank You for loving me, forgiving me, and for making me a new creature. I trust my life to You and I know that You will guide me everyday by Your Word and Your Spirit. In Jesus name Amen.