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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Golden Ticket

Did you see "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" remember some of the words that he and Grandpa Joe sang when Charlie found it? Here you go...

I never thought my life could be
Anything but catastrophe
But suddenly I begin to see
A bit of good luck for me
'Cause I've got a golden ticket
I've got a golden twinkle in my eye

As we evangelize more and more, we need to let people know up front that Jesus IS NOT a GOLDEN TICKET. Jesus is not going to wave a magic wand and POOF all their troubles and trials in the world are going to disappear. Jesus commands us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Jesus is not going to plant a "money tree" in their backyard for their use only while neighbors suffer lack. No, He promises to supply them with enough so they can be blessed and bless others. Jesus is not going to take them from a size 18 to a 10 magically, He will give wisdom and endurance to do it naturally so their temple will be one that He can use for years, and years, and years.

We don't need to use gimmicks or tactics to bring people to Jesus it's NOT necessary, truth is what is required. The first thing Jesus said was REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. In Matthew chapters 5-7 Jesus teaches the Kingdom. It's RELATIONSHIP first then the RICHES of wisdom, joy, peace, etc... As you share Jesus Christ this week focus on Christ, now you may have to feed some folk, heal some folk or cast out some demons but before they leave your presence tell them that God sent His Son into this world to die in their place. Tell them that He loves them and desires to know them intimately and spend eternity with them ultimately. We don't have to "sell Jesus" we simply inform them of their standing with God as them being "outside" the kingdom and invite them to come to the KING of the kingdom for entrance into His eternal Kingdom. It's a dangerous thing to present Jesus as a Golden Ticket. I can tell you of many phone calls my husband and I have received from saints that received Jesus as their Golden Ticket to only be disillusioned and tore up to find out otherwise.

Keeping things in perspective. Peter said LORD we have given up ALL and followed you and what did Jesus tell him? He said you will receive 100 fold of all that you have given up from people to property in this life and in the life to come with persecution! With you hear that preached? I do thank GOD, so when I present Christ I present Christ and we can talk about the riches after they meet Jesus face to face in the spirit. God is all about abundant life John 10:10 but Jesus main focus, purpose, and destiny was to be a bridge for man to be able to return back to God for cleansing, relationship and eternal life. Share Jesus Christ and Him crucified and not Jesus the Golden Ticket...

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Have You Blessed Your Neighbor Today?

So today I want to encourage you towards your neighbors, they're close and you don't have to go far right?! Oh my! I hear some of you saying right now, You don't know my neighbors, they are an unsavory bunch of folk! They don't speak to me when I speak to them, or maybe they've offended you in some way and now you just don't want to be bothered. Can I get REAL? Some of our neighbors are in sin and they are separated from God, the same God that we so lavishly love, and pour out our praises on. Don't we want our neighbors to experience God too as well as, our family, and our co-workers? GOD DOES! (-: Be "Soul friendly" and don't "Go plastic" on God! Sometimes we can turn into what I call "Bubble Christians" we get Saved and instead of developing an outward mentality of purpose we go inward. Kind of like we get scared or worse we get puffed up in the process of being cleaned up, and think that we've arrived and it's now about my 4 and no more! God didn't Save us from the World. He Saved us from sin and it's penalty, death and separation from God. As Christians we are to go back into the world and help God pull them out the same as He pulled us out, BY TELLING SOMEONE ABOUT JESUS, it's the same way the Apostles and the church have been doing it, and it works!

Ok, so let me share with you some ways to reach out! This first tip is a biggie, especially if you are an introvert. It may take some prayer to get your courage up but you can do it...
Say HELLO, I'am so and so...and I just wanted to introduce myself, and if you need anything let me know. Isn't that neighborly?! That's how we do it, then we purposely look for ways to be a blessing. Whenever something happens on our block to a neighbor they immediately come and get my husband. So someone told my husband about a family that was in a desperate situation. Like Kristie said earlier today in her blog about children helping out.. the devil will tell you all kinds of junk to keep you from helping somebody out! Stupid stuff like they really don't need the help, they're trying to play you etc..the greatest thing I ever heard in that area was by Bishop Coutney McBath. He said," I'd rather help someone and be played than to miss out helping someone who really had a need because I was scared to get played." I LOVE THAT! So Reg went and talked to the husband and we started making phone calls, soon others wanted to get in on helping this family too. We ended up having enough resources to help them for a whole month and so you know what else, the help lead to influence and the influence lead to trust. That trust gave us favor for their future because we were both able to share Christ and His love with them over and over again. The fruit? The wife ended up giving her life to Christ and prayerfully the husband will follow. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!

Proverbs 3:28 says
Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"— when you now have it with you. What do you have to give? JESUS!!! We as Christians have a love relationship with the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE...Materially maybe you are strapped financially, or have just enough for your family, maybe you have a lot and can buy them a gas card, or some toys for their kids. Recently we have had to buy a brand new sink and vanity because our old one broke and taxes are due for the house in Dec. What could we do today to bless our neighbors? We have an extra box of Tide today that we can give. Share Jesus and some kindness with your neighbors and watch what God does with it. (-:

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Open Your Mouth and God Will Fill It!

It's Sunday and what a wonderful day it has been thus far! Pastor preached about the blessings of Abraham and had some members give their testimonies, it was rich!!! So now the week is coming up and we already have it mapped out right?! So let me encourage you to see yourself with the eyes of faith, see yourself telling others about Jesus as you are going through out your week. Think about your testimony, think about what God what has done for you. Think about how good it feels to be washed in the blood of Jesus and experiencing eternal life. Whether at work, the gym, the grocery store, or just sitting on your front porch you have the key( Jesus) to help set others free.

Psalm 81:10 (21st Century King James Version)
10 I'am the LORD thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt. Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

Why would God do that because He brought us out so we help Him bring others in!

Will you take God at His Word this week?

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Friday, November 20, 2009

Obeying God While Working Out

So Wednesday started off with a bang! I went to the house of prayer and stayed there just praying and worshiping for a couple of hours. As I left prayer I was super charged and I really wanted to talk to somebody about Jesus while I was working out. That's what our focus is right,"Lifestyle Evangelism" sharing Jesus in practical ways while we go through this life. So as I go to my favorite spot in the woods to work out the LORD starts speaking to me. I ask Him how do you want me to open this conversation. One thing I have learned from years of evangelism is that each person that God brings across your path is like a customized vehicle. There are no two alike, so my approach isn't always the same every time because God knows their hearts, I don't, so I have to lean on Him to help me know what to say to get them engaged and keep them engaged.

So I'm power walking and here comes this gentlemen and God says talk to him and I say ok..and I freeze!!! What in the world! So I say God I'm not ashamed,what happened?!? He proceeds to tell me that I was intimidated by him because of his ethnicity. I'm like REALLY?? I just repented right there on the spot and asked for help. Then I thought back to all those that I had ministered to over the years and the majority were from one race of people simply because that race of people were the majority of people in my area. Ok, so I move on and here comes another man of that same ethnicity. So as he comes toward me I ask him- can I ask you a question. He slows down and says yes, so I ask him, Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins? He stops walking and says he never really gave it much thought, he only knows that things were written about Jesus. So he starts to walk away and I ask him, Are you concerned about the afterlife?? Thank You Holy Spirit! That was another customized question to keep him engaged. He moves closer to me and says yes kind of softly I have thought about it. Then he stiffens up and says but for me when I die I'm going in the ground. I said so for you there is no Heaven or Hell right? He says yes. Then I say to him, Can I tell you something and he says yes. I begin to tell him my testimony of how I lived on the street at 15 and how God sent Ms.Fawn all the way from Ga to NJ to tell me about Jesus and all that He did for me. How much He loved me and wanted to have a relationship with me, how much He wanted me to spend eternity with Him. He listened and as I finished I invited him to accept Christ and he just shook his head and said no. I asked him could I pray for him..he said as you wish..and we parted ways. My heart broke for him, but now with that seed planted I prayed that God would keep sending laborers to water that Word believing, that God WILL get the increase.
Have a great week- end and remember you can incorporate sharing Jesus into your lifestyle! He would not have told us to do it if it were not possible to accomplish. As always..Be prepared, Be yourself and Be obedient. They are out there waiting for us...

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sharing Jesus...A Child Can Do It!!!

My son accepted Christ early on in life as did my daughter. They both have their own unique ways of sharing Christ. My daughter at 2 ( she's now 17) would ask for me to get the waitress to come over to our table, at EVERY restaurant that we went to. WHY you may ask? So she could ask them one simple question...DO YOU LOVE JESUS??? Or sometime she would say DO YOU KNOW JESUS???
I've seen waitresses turn every shade of red!LOL! I remember my daughter ministering at the Post Office too @ 4yrs old, it was something to behold! I've heard her on the phone telling her friends that she will pray for them, and I just rejoice that @ 17 she's still excited about God.

So at 8 yrs old my son started awakening to the LORD and His call. School had just started back and I put a little pocket Bible in his backpack with some tracts. I'd go pick him up after work and the day care workers would refer to him as "Preacha man" I thought that was so cute not realizing fully what the LORD was doing in him and through him. So after school one day my son tells me that he lead one of his classmates to the LORD. I was so excited!! I asked him what he said and what they prayed and on and on!LOL He told me that she came to his Bible study that he had some mornings at school, ahhh that's why they called him Preacha it! After ward he gave the little girl a Bible and that's when it got interesting. The Dad came into school in a very threatening manner asking who was the little boy that gave his daughter the Bible. We were upset to say the least and my son was scared. He said he didn't want to say anything about Jesus anymore. We told him no, no, that's what the devil would love. He was still shook days after the incident. We prayed with him, over him, and we gave him Scriptures to help him get through. It seemed like no matter what we did we couldn't console him. BUT GOD!!!

One morning I came to wake him up and he awoke just beaming! He said God gave him the most wonderful dream. In it we all had gone to Heaven. He said me and my daughter had gotten there first and he and dad came later. He said that as he and dad walked through the gates of Heaven a big angel came to them and showed them a a huge curtain. The angel said to my son behind this curtain are all your rewards!!! Then he woke up. God did what we couldn't and I'm thankful for Him ministering to my son..His son in that manner. He has lead 3 other children to the LORD since then and he even wrote a note for one of the kids to give to a parent. On the note my son wrote about what Jesus did and how to get Saved. Well about a month ago my son comes home and tells me that the last little boy that he lead to the LORD gave his mom the note, she read it and accepted Christ!!! Hallelujah!!!
He also gave the children Bibles and not one parent came looking for him...(-:
No matter what the response is to our attempts to share Christ and bring in the harvest we must NEVER give up because if a 2yr old and an 8yr old can do it what about us!!!

Have a great week ahead and sow, water, and be open for God to use you to possibly bring in the harvest to!!!! Remember, Be prepared..Be yourself.. and Be obedient! (-:

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Friday, November 13, 2009


I just want to encourage you all as you are sharing Jesus this weekend, ask your listeners a simple question. A question that can mean the difference between them going to Heaven or Hell. Ask them, Is there any reason that you cannot accept Christ right now? That's it! Just ask them. Don't get caught up if they say YES. Just be ready if they give you an opportunity to extinguish their fears. We persuade men we don't force them, but we always want to give them an opportunity to accept Christ for the pardoning of their sins. God bless richly each one of you who are willing to be Ambassadors for the LORD, and move in obedience with God's Word & Spirit. Remember one waters....BUT GOD gets the INCREASE.
So ask them, after you've shared, and don't be scared!

Mark 16:15
And He(Jesus) said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I was just blessed with this testimony and I just had to share it!! Thank you Sis Liza for permission to repost this. Thank you for your willingness to obey the voice of God's Spirit to help rescue the perishing and care for the dying in your corner of the world that God has entrusted you too! THIS IS what Lifestyle Evangelism is ALL ABOUT!!!

Hello Marva, I just want to share a fresh testimony which happened yesterday. I went to my Bible study ( this Bible study has just been started lately for more than a month) session yesterday in a place in town where the houses are kind of almost sticking to each other. Though the Bible Study didn't happen because of some circumstances that happened, yet God had His purpose done that day. I had a one-on -one talk with one of the sympathizers, we talked about her problems and we prayed. When I was on my way home, I passed by two old men in a little porch by the narrow concrete trail that separated the houses. Each time I would pass this way these old men were sitting on the porch. Yesterday I was already two meters past them when the Holy Spirit pulled me back. I moved back and then I began to preach. I didn't know how to start but I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit teaching me what to say. Three seniors listened to me, one lady and two men. I talked to them about the good news of God's love and redemption through Jesus Christ. People were passing the trail and I had to make way for them from time to time, but I kept on preaching, and I noticed one senior man whose tears just kept on flowing from the start to end... Until now I am still overwhelmed by what God did yesterday to those seniors. I could not contain His love for them... I am sharing this to you, though I want to shout it to the whole world through my status, but I am controlling myself because I might go beyond how God wants me to testify about it... I just want to glorify Him!!! and I am sharing this because I cannot contain my joy... All the glory to Jesus!!!!!!

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Street Witnessing 101

This was awesome! I really enjoyed this because I could relate to that at one time. When I started witnessing to people 28 years ago, I felt just like that as I began to share Jesus. I knew God wanted people Saved! I knew God had really Saved me and I knew that God was really,really, real but ummmmmm...I didn't think that people would receive that truth coming from me. If you read my testimony in the previous posting you will see that before Christ, I was out there in more ways than one. Even though I was a new creature the memories that were still on my hard drive haunted me and I felt unworthy to share Christ. How did I overcome that you may ask? God. He showed me how He felt about me. He showed me how much He loved me. Then He put this love in me for people that just consumed me to this very day. Meaning I couldn't let one person that was in my presence go without sharing Christ. Why? Because they may not wake up tomorrow, and I wanted them to go into eternity with Christ instead of without Him. Therein lies my intense passion and drive. Sometimes it's hard to turn off. I struggle sometimes when I go through the drive thru without my tracts. Or when I'm working out and people are all around me and I just want to get up on the exercise equipment and shout with all the love in me, REPENT for the KINGDOM of GOD is at hand!!! Maybe one day I will, but until then I will just take witnessing one opportunity at a time.

Lifestyle Opportunity- The Laundry Mat

I left the house yesterday armed with the Good News. I had read and prayed, watched some soul winning videos and I was ready!! So I'm on my way to the laundry mat and I'm looking! I see two elderly ladies but God's Spirit told me they were saved already, which later proved out. Then there was a lady but all she spoke was Spanish. I thought man I'm running out of opportunities. Then I see her, a young woman sitting alone in her car. I grab my tract, walk over to her car and lightly tap on her window. She looks at me and smiles warmly til I hold up my tract and she shakes her head no and looks away for a sec. She then turns back to me and I motion to her that I'm going to pray for her, I smile at her and walk away. Do you want to know what she saw on my tract? She saw a drawing of Jesus on the cross that had these words in big bold letters, One More Opportunity To Accept Christ! Hallelujah! That's what's cool about tracts they can talk sometimes when you can't! So I went on my way and prayed for that young lady.I had the answer to that young woman's eternal dilemma and that answer of course is Jesus Christ! That's what led me to her, and even though she didn't give me a chance to tell her more that's ok. God is going to use that drawing and the words somehow, someway, I just KNOW IT!

Did I feel rejected? Did I feel as if I failed not at all! I KNEW I was being an Ambassador for Christ. I knew that I was doing what God expected me too, share Christ. God promises that whatever we do unto Him, He will not only help and bless us with courage, but He will reward us. Like I always say I don't do anything to get a reward from God, I give and work as an act of obedience and love. As Christians whatever we do in faith God will use, He will get the glory out of it because there is no failure when we attempt to do anything for Him. So is there anything that's holding you back from sharing Jesus on your journey?? Maybe your afraid, maybe you just need a little boost! Well please use me!!! I've been on this journey a long time and I still get butterflies but when I think about the fact that this person standing in front of me might die without Jesus, that's when the juices start flowing and I start going!!! May I encourage you...let your knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ and your love for people get you involved and keep you engaged in lifestyle evangelism!!!
And remember.. Be prepared, be yourself, and be obedient.

Pray about it!!!

Luke 14:23
An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.


We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Harvest is Plentiful

Luke 10:1-3
After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two ahead of Him into every city and place whither He Himself would come.
Therefore He said unto them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth laborers into His harvest.
Go your ways; behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves,

Do you remember these words of Christ? God is so very much concerned about souls and He is passionate about His pursuit of people. Do you remember the day that He revealed Himself to you? Do you remember the day you cried out out, or sat calmly before Him, or whispered gently in desperation, God I need YOU? Do you remember the thoughts that ran through your mind right before you called out to Him? Do you remember where you were? I remember that day like it was yesterday. I remember hurting so badly as a teenager. I longed for my natural father, I longed for my step-father. I remember being so angry, so beat down, so in need of the love of my fathers, feeling ashamed that I had allowed my rage, my pain, my rebellion, and my lack of coping skills to drive me to the streets. It didn't matter that I was living in a park, or sleeping here and there. It didn't matter that I had to steal to eat and do things that I never imagined myself doing, just be able to survive and keep the pain buried deeply in shredded places of my mind, will, and soul.

I remember, there's so much I wish I could forget... but everything finally came to a head one beautiful morning in NJ. There I was on the street broken but bold, hurting but haughty, and up walked God's laborer. She has on a dress and her hair was combed beautifully. She had a look in her eye that I couldn't ignore and when she spoke I was mesmerized. She told me about the Saviour of the world who took an awful beating for my sins, so I wouldn't have to. She told me about the love of a God who cared so much about me that He sacrificed His only son in my place. Then she told me that this God wanted to have a relationship with me. I came from a background where you worked for everything you got from God. If you didn't do it religions way then you were hell bound and cut off from the church. She wasn't offering me that, she was offering me freedom from works and love from a God who made me with His hands and formed the universe with His Word. She asked me did I want a relationship with Him and I said yes...

We don't know what the people around us are in, have come through, or are going through. Everybody doesn't have to have or has to have a drama filled life for us to reach out to them with the message of Jesus Christ and His kingdom, they just have to simply be.I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would be dead if Ms. Fawn Felicia Foster had not been willing to share Jesus with me because I was on the verge of just giving up on life period. I pray that God will show you why your participation in helping to bring in the harvest is so critical.

Remember where He met you at. Never forget that you are in a field right now that is ripe with family, neighbors, co workers, workout buddies, and friends that are just waiting for you... Waiting for you to reach your hand back and pull them up out of that miry clay. Are you be willing?

Pray about it!!!

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters in Christ


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Workplace Evangelism Pt 4

Psalm 5:12
For Thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt Thou compass him about as with a shield.

Now let's talk about the favor of God. As you begin to represent Christ on the job you are going to start recognizing God's favor manifesting more and more. Some people liken favor to influence. I'll take it!!! You will start noticing people taking notice of you. Supervisors, managers, team leaders etc...and it's not for you to get puffed in, it's for you to be able to share Jesus and His kingdom. One thing I can tell you is management has a great respect for people with integrity, people who work hard, and people who look out for others. You will begin to get opportunities not just to witness, but to advance in your career as well. Just be smart enough to know that it's not about YOU so much as it is about God putting you in places for His kingdom and yours.

Remember Joseph?Acts 7:10 and delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favor and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who made him governor over Egypt and all his house. "Favor for the Future" that's what Joseph was walking in and whether we realize it we are too! I remember I was at work one day and the plant manager came to me and asked me if I was trained on something, I wasn't so I told him no. Right after that my Sup asked me if I wanted to be trained in that same area and I said YES! So I received the training, and the next time I saw the plant manager I told him I was trained. He got a big smile on his face and he started using me in that area as well as the other areas that my Sup had allowed me to be trained in. By the end of the year I had been able to touch people all over the plant with the good news of Jesus Christ from the assembly line workers on up to the CEO over the plant itself. I had doors opened to me because God knew He could trust me with His favor!Why? Because I knew the purpose of it was to advance His kingdom!!!

Finally I want to warn you about the "Hater Brigade." I know, we want to think that if we're doing everything right, if we're living hard for God and running this race with everything in us, everybody will just love them some US. WRONG!!! The more you press into the ways and will of God, here they come! Jesus already told us that we will be hated by men for His sake, so don't take it personally. Luke 21:17 It's really not you that they are hating it's the GOD IN YOU that's who they really despise. Remember this, 1 Peter 2:21
For even unto this were ye called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps, Bottom line we ARE going to suffer in this life and the sooner we make up in our minds that it's part of the Christian menu, the easier it will be to deal with. Whatever you do, don't let them stop you. Let them mock, ridicule, and act crazy. You hold steady, show Jesus,and keep winning the world while you walk in the FOG..Favor Of God.

Just a kind reminder, please feel free to submit your prayer requests for today.

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ
