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Monday, March 29, 2010

Got Goals?

Today I want to encourage you to make goals to influence people for Christ in your day to day, week to week and month to month. Why? Because God will partner with you when you do!
Mark 16:20 (The Message)
19-20Then the Master Jesus, after briefing them, was taken up to heaven, and he sat down beside God in the place of honor. And the disciples went everywhere preaching, the Master working right with them, validating the Message with indisputable evidence.

As I go into April God has already helped me to reach and exceed some of the goals I had towards my soul winning efforts. God LOVES people and His heart and resources will always be available for us to share Christ with people.

I had a goal to talk face to face with atleast 24 people about Jesus by the end of 2010 and ask them for a decision to accept Christ. In 40 minutes God blessed me to talk to about 28 people face to face about Christ!!! After that I said to the LORD-- I started too low!LOL!

God continues to exceed my expectations why? Does He have favorites? Am I special to Him? Absolutely not!!!! Then why is God doing what He is? I believe it's because God always backs His own will. The Bible says He doesn't want any to perish but that all would come to repentance through belief and acceptance of Jesus Christ. John 3: 15-17
How will they hear if no one shares the Good News? Romans 10:14
As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. John 17:18

God will always, always, always, bless and partner with the work of our hands as long as it lines up with His heart and vision. (-:

So do you have goals in place. Write them down (Habakkuk 2: 1-3) and watch God do what He loves to do....reveal His Son and His Kingdom to mankind...THROUGH us His sons and daughters.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Friday, March 26, 2010

Do You KNOW the TRUTH?

Did you know there are people all around us with many different belief systems? We all know that right?! So have you ever considered getting to know what others believe and studying your Word more intentionally so you can help them?

Some of us have either had life altering encounters with those caught up in false belief systems or have come out of a false belief system like that, by the blood of Jesus Christ. I have experienced both. Being told the blood of Jesus was not enough and that I had to confess the sins of my ancestors was life altering for me and my family. We didn't know that this teaching existed and when it came from a trusted source we were in shock. We knew it wasn't Scriptural and we didn't hear the voice of the Good Shepherd in that at all. After searching the Scriptures out we had no choice but to stand on the Word and break off all futher fellowship. Before I encountered that particular group I myself grew up in a false belief system of works and sectarianism. Our church was the true church and if you didn't believe and obey the rules you were hell bound for sure.
I thank God for bringing me out of both, though I endured much heartbreak,persecution and pressure it was all for my good, and I was able to go back in and help rescue a few of them.

God through His Word continues to warn us and inform us about those presenting "another" Gospel,those who profess to come in His name, and those who say Christ is here or there. Galatians 1:8, Mark 13:6 & Mark 13:21
Saints of God we have to KNOW the TRUTH intimately because the devil is the master of deception and he's fooling folk all around us with his lies, let's continue to dig into God's Word and do it intentionally so we can help pull people out of the fire. Jude 23

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Have Experienced Jesus..

I've been reading a book by Arthur Blessitt called "Give Me a J" it's a wonderful book filled with different expereinces that he has had as he carried the cross around the world.
One thing he said that I liked was this, "It isn't the length of the story or your story telling ability that matters most; it is your honesty about your experience with Jesus. That is so true. You don't have to have a drama filled testimony and it's ok if you do, but the main thing is you just want them to know that YOU have had an encounter with the risen Lord.

As Spring approaches there will be even more opportunities to share Christ, so now is a good time to get your experience with Christ on paper; try to keep it under 3 minutes or less and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you write it and then begin to memorize it. Have some key Scriptures memorized as well so you can give them a foundation and show them their need for a Saviour, and His willingness to Save them.

Arthur Blessitt said something that I intend to try as well. He said when his time is short with unbelievers he simply tells the person, "I have experienced Jesus." If they want to know more they'll ask, if they don't they will move on. One that I haved used is to actually ask the unbeliever,"Do you really believe that Jesus came and died?" Whatever the Holy Spirit gives you just trust Him and go with it. Be ready to give an account in 3 minutes or less for the "hope" that lies within you. Remember WE do the persuading God does the SAVING!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Friday, March 19, 2010

Give Em The GOOD NEWS!

Happy Friday! I pray that you all had an awesome week taking advantage of all those Lifestyle Evangelism opportunities!!
I want to share with you all this week something new that I have implemented into my evangelism technique. I have begun to explain sin more clearly and our NEED for a Saviour. This came about when I was going through some of Kirk Cameron's materials and he said it's not fair to just tell people that they are in sin and need a Saviour. He said show them their sinful state with the law! I thought dear God I need to read and memorize parts of Deuteronomy!!LOL!!

Actually I didn't have to do that-- just using Adams disobedience, Christ's obedience and the 10 Commandments alone are a sure fire way to show the sinfulness of us all, then Galatians 5 is like BOOM!!! I proved this method out recently and sure enough people understand more clearly and some accepted Christ. I have to tell you too memorizing Scriptures regarding judgment and hell are also great tools. Now I don't believe in "scaring folks" into the Kingdom, I believe in giving them all the Scripture facts and illustrations I can and trust the Word do the work, now if that scares some folk so be it they need to know the whole truth. To me the whole truth is as follows: They are sinners through Adam disobedience and cannot be justified by the law,they are law breakers and they need The Saviour Jesus Christ, Jesus has already suffered punishment on their behalf, if they accept Christ's payment for their sins Eternal life with God forever on earth and in Heaven will be granted to them, if they reject Christ payment for them- a devils hell awaits them.
I also like to mention to them that God doesn't want ANY to perish. My favorite verse is "Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out and that times of refreshing may come to you from the presence of the LORD." Acts 3:19
I also like to use what God says in Ezekiel 18:32 "For I have no pleasure in the death of the one who dies says the the LORD GOD. Therefore turn and live!" That's such good news isn't it!!! How awesome it is to tell people that GOD is not against them but for them! He wants all to come to Him because He loves us all, that's why Jesus died to restore us back to the Father.Now that's GOOD NEWS!!!

Have a great weekend ahead and share ALL of the GOOD NEWS with as many as you can!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Monday, March 15, 2010

Trust God for the Results!

Hey Ambassadors! I hope you had a wondeful weekend sharing God's love and His Son Jesus!

I had the opportunity to preach this past Saturday during our homeless outreach and after I gave the altar call souls were Saved to the glory of God and by the power of God!!! I had carried a message from the LORD just for the homeless in me for about 2 weeks, ever since the Minister in charge of the outreach contacted me. As I prepared, the LORD in all His sweetness reminded me that I was not responsible for the results. You know sometimes it's kind of easy to fall into that...we preach or sing or whatever we're called to do in the name of the LORD and then the temptation to put pressure on ourselves for the results comes up...don't do it.
Yes, he that winneth souls is wise but it's the work of the Holy Spirit calling that person as the Word of God is presented, that causes souls to come forward to accept Christ. It doesn't matter where we present The Gospel it is and will always be the power of God unto Salvation.

I want to encourage you if you are serious about God enlarging your territory start spending some quality time with God. If you want Him to use you cry out to Him, and share your heart with Him then begin setting some time aside just to worship, study, and pray. You will be totally floored as God sees you studying to show yourself approved, He then begins to open up more opportunities for you to share Christ!!!

Have a great week ahead and tell SOMEBODY about Jesus!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jesus on The Mainline....Sort of (-:

Don't you just love some people's answering machine messages? I do. I have very creative friends and some of their messages are hilarious! One of my friends says something crazy like if you are friend leave a message and I'll get back to you right away..but if you are a bill collector I can't guarantee that I will return your call.. So why not use our answering machines to share Jesus? Ask the LORD to give you something witty and creative. I don't have an answering machine right now but if I had one I think I'd say something like Hello, I'm so glad you called me today. I want to tell you that Jesus loves you, He died for your sins, and rose from the grave with all power, if you call out to Him right now He'll answer for sure! Isn't that easy? Sure it is and you can do that from the comfort of your own home. Remember that Yellow pages ad..Let your fingers do the walking? Well we can let our answering machines help us witness for the LORD Jesus Christ (-:
Have a wonderful day and share Jesus love and what He's done for you with somebody this weekend.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Let God's Spirit Lead You

Went on a date with my Honey last night and had the most pleasant waitress. With each attentive visit she paid to our table I was looking forward to the moment that we could share Christ with her. I love tracts but this wasn't a tract night. For some reason we needed to strike up a conversation with her about the LORD.So after we pay for everything I ask her where she goes to church. She said that she went to a church up the street from her house because her car had recently broke down. We told her about our love for our church and when she found out the name she was so excited because her mom who was all the way in Michigan-- wanted her to go to our church. We all just praised God right there in the restaurant as she shared with us that our church is where she's supposed to be. So we gave her our number and told her to call us and we'll go and pick her up. She was so appreciative and I see why we didn't need a tract with our tip!

Normally we don't stop there..we go into are you born again etc...but when our spirit bore witness with hers we knew she was already in the Kingdom. Be led and BE READY you just never know how God will move on your behalf to share Him and His love this week.

Romans 8:14
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Friday, March 5, 2010

Go Out Into the Highways--My Highway Encounter

As we all know Jesus commands us to go out to the highways and hedges and compel the lost (Luke 14:21- 23) well this is what happened to me on Wednesday. I was actually getting of the highway and there stood at the end off the exiting ramp a homeless gentleman. As I sat at that red light I knew what I had to do. So I got a tract, a prayer card, and some change cause that's all I had on me. Then the LORD spoke to me and told me to give him one of my gold rings. So I grabbed everything while the light was red and summoned him over to my car. He came over and I handed him everything. I told him that God could take care of him everyday, and that God wanted a relationship with Him. I told him that Jesus died for him and as soon as I mentioned Jesus name he told me he was a muslim and he prayed everyday in Aramic. I told him simply and lovingly that Jesus IS what's up! The light turned green and I had to move but I know that God set that up and I'm so thankful for Him giving me that opportunity.

These are serious times we are living in. How passionate are we to do the LORD's will especially when the opportunities present themselves. People say these are the last days...I agree..but I know for sure that these are my last days, and I'm going to take hold of everything that God has for me to do and get it done.

Have a great weekend ahead and keep those tracts in your car because you will be needing them soon!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Blood, Our Testimony, And...

Hello Family! I just wanted to share with you one of things happened to me today. I was reading today in John chapters 8,10 that there were times that the opposition would try to kill Jesus. The Bible records that--"It was not His time or He escaped out of their hands."
After wards I talked to a sister who is going to Pakistan to preach. We all know that Pakistan has somewhat of a Muslim population and as we talked this Scripture came to my mind. They overcame him(the devil) through the blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony.. that's where some people stop reading but keep going..and they loved not their lives to the death.
Rev 12:11
This sister is almost 70yrs old and you know what she said, "If I die, I die but atleast I will stand before Him knowing I did all that He told me too." Glory to God!!!
Let's be real how many of us can honestly say that we are willing to lay it ALL down for Jesus. I know some of you are saying I'am and to that I say Hallelujah because He's worthy. But some of you may think I have too much to LIVE for. I have worked all my life to obtain A,B,C,D, and surely God doesn't require me to give it all up even possibly face being martyred for Christ, to just tell people about Jesus does He? Read the Bible my friend.... There are plenty of people in there who "gave" all, I don't want to say "lost" their lives because they didn't lose anything-- they gained!! Then there are some that never tasted death on that level because that was not His plan for their lives, am I saying that you or I might possible die for Jesus? That is ALWAYS a possibility..but how we leave thisearth truly on God knows..we just need to ALWAYS be ready so we don't deny Him should we ever face persecution on that level.

I know this is a heavy Word but we are living in some heavy times and if we are afraid of dying for can impact other nations, or nerighborhoods, if we are in fear. I can tell you for me and my husband we always have this thought in mind we may have to die for Jesus.
Now are we jumping up and down no. Are we tempting and testing the devil no. Have we been in situations where our lives could have been "given" for Jesus sure, did we let that stop us no. We have preached and shared the Gospel with people carrying guns, and people deeply deceived in false doctrine. I refuse to write you and tell you that I have never been afraid.. I have. I get to thinking about my husband and kids, mom and family, but then God strengthens me and I can go on and He will strengthen you too., There is no person greater to die for than Jesus, because He died for us.
Remember these words from John 10:39-- "therefore they sought to seize Him but He escaped out of their hand." We aren't going ANYWHERE if it's not our time..plain and simple. So while we are on earth, each of us being called to be Ambassadors, but each working in different areas in life, we will be most effective as we remember and realize that we overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and we love NOT our lives to the death...

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Monday, March 1, 2010

Seize the Moment--and Share Jesus!!

Hey Fam! I had a number of opportunites this weekend to share Jesus all of which I'am grateful! I had a brief conversation with one of my daughters schoolmates and told him he needs to be ready when Jesus comes back because hell is hot and torment is forever. I had witnessed to him several times last year and he seemed to enjoy this revelation, so I praise God!

Then on my weekly trip to Walmart I took out 10 tracts and church invite cards..I placed three in the bathroom stalls and 7 in the shopping carts near my car...oh I had so much fun doing that!!! Then I went to the bank and the gas station and did the same!

Then I lost my new phone somewhere in the I called what I thought was my number. Couldn't find it then my house phone rang..the woman on the other end said someone called my number from this phone? I explained to her that I had lost my phone and was trying to locate it and that I was sorry for bothering her and just before she hung up the phone I asked her was she born again...was she straight if the trumpet blew... or if she breathes her last today!! She laughed as she assured me that was and so I asked her name and told her that I will be looking for her in glory!

Family do you see how easy this is? We make it so difficult sometimes...seize those moments and share Jesus with all the love, compassion and courage that you have.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone