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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Light up the Night!

Greetings to all today in the name above every name Jesus Christ!

Today I want to encourage you as you continue to work for the LORD that no matter how dark the darkness may get and how wicked the wicked may get WE have a sure Word from the LORD! Let's go to John 8:13
Then Jesus said I'am the Light of the world, he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life! John 8:13

We will NOT walk in darkenss because we have accepted the Light, Jesus Christ and now He lives in us. So if we have the light of God on the inside what's going to happen? We are now going to attract those in darkness, and when they come don't get puffed up and conceited, get and stay low (humble) and lead them to Jesus..the original Light of the world.

We are lights as Jesus has said in Matthew 5:14 but we cannot produce life for people, we can only lead them to the One who can!! No matter how dark it gets we have Jesus living in us, the Light of the world! Go forth as you light up the night while leading others to The Light--Jesus Christ!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful


Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Heart Like God's

Greetings to you all in the anointed One and His anointing--Jesus Christ.
I'm excited today because you and I have been given one more day to make an impression in the world today for Jesus Christ! That is something not to be taken lightly but embraced, walked out, and celebrated! Hallelujah!!!

Question. How did you perceive God growing up or even right now as you read this? Was He the old man with the muscles and the lightening bolt just ready to tag ya for every fault or the old man that just loved you so much that He could never send you to hell?? There are many perceptions of God just like there are many voices soooo let's go to the WORD of God and see what He is really like.

One portion of Scripture I absolutely love is found in Ezekiel 18:19-32. It's a wonderful Word concerning repentance given to the prophet Ezekiel to the children of Israel and it is relevant for every soul that breaks through the womb today. Take a moment and check it out but Iwant to bring your attention first to verse 23 that says- "Do I have ANY pleasure at all that the wicked should die says the LORD and not that he should turn from his ways and live? Now jump to verse 32 which says, For I have NO PLEASURE in the death of one who dies says the LORD GOD. "Therefore turn and live!"(emphasis mine) Did you catch that? GOD has absolutely no pleasure in a soul that dies in his sins and guess what neither should we. God so loved the world.

God as the ultimate parent flows like a parent would but of course way better! As earthly parents we tell our kids our expectations and rules of the house and you go on. When the rules aren't kept, as chlidren of the house they have to be disciplined and encouraged to do better, not hit with a lightning bolt but disciplined by Daddy. Sinners do what sinners do so it's important that we show them how to become sons of God and show them just how much God wants to be a Father to them. TURN AND LIVE that's what our Daddy's heart is...and that's what should be flowing from our hearts too (-:

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

Monday, April 19, 2010

Are You Ready for More??

As I was studying this morning this passage of Scripture leaped off the page.
It's in Luke 12: 35- 48 when you have the opportunity you might want to check it out in it's entirety, but this is what I want to share with you all today.

Let's look at verses 42 & 43 Who then is that faithful and wise steward , who his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season? Blessed is THAT servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has.

As I read that over and over again I couldn't help but think about how this pertains to evangelism. God has commanded us to go into all the nations preaching, baptizing, and making disciples. The first thing I want to bring out is that fact that the master recognized the faithfulness and wisdom of that servant. Next the master promotes the servant to rule over his household. I think about Joseph in Potiphar's house then ending up in Pharaoh's house. Gen 39-50 In each situation he was in charge. Why did God do that? Because Joseph was wise and faithful to God no matter what. Then as we go onto to verse 43 it says THAT servant will be blessed who his master finds handling his business in wisdom and faithfulness and that master will then make that man or woman ruler over all he has!! WOW!!!

We have been commissioned and commanded by God to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I believe for the most part many of us are doing that so, I want you to look forward to and get excited about the blessings of being given more! More opportunities to share Jesus, more resources to do what has been burning in your heart to do for God. Can I tell you that since I started writing for this prayer ministry the doors that have opened up and the people that I have met were/are blessings from God!! Keep being faithful, keep spending time in God's Word, and God's presence through prayer and fasting. The Master is about to promote you in ways that will thrill your heart, terrify the devil, and bless your fellow man. GET READY!!! (-:

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Friday, April 16, 2010

Let The LORD Use You!!!

It's been an amazing month at my house. God has opened door after door, sent people our way that we could be a blessing too and I even got to teach a three yr old how to pray over his food! God is great!!!

Today I want to share with you a wonderful experience I had at the exercise trail. As I was walking I saw this couple and I asked them if they were going to church Sunday they said no so I handed them an invite card and kept exercising. Then I saw them 2 more times..the LORD spoke to me and told me to go and witness to them. I had a good 5 minutes with them and it was glorious. The Spirit of God was all on me and He was wooing them. When I finished they gave me their names and I hugged them and I just know that one day I'm going to see them in glory. They weren't ready right then, but they were compelled to Christ and it was beautiful to watch God work on them. I usually do not like to approach people when they are exercising but God knew that those two needed to hear about Jesus and that's all that mattered and in due time He will get the increase.

Stay in the Word, pray, and fast and as you do you will become bolder, more sensitive to God, and ready for every opportunity that comes your way.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Monday, April 12, 2010

Evangelism Tip

Greetings wonderful family of God in the awesome, eternal, and all powerful name of Jesus!!! I'm so thankful and excited to be in God's Kingdom for such a time as this!!!Hallelujah!

Ok so you have heard the news by now another earthquake, theses quakes are coming more frequently and closer together just like labor pains how exciting! Jesus told us didn't He! Matthew 24: 6-8 What a great God we serve!!
Am I ready to go YES, but while it is still day and there are still so many yet to reach with the "Good News" I'll continue to do His bidding.

For today I have an Evangelism tip.
If you live near apt.complexes or maybe you live in an apt. complex get the addresses to the apts, buy some stamps, and mail some tracts off! Simply address the envelope To The Resident Of 1022 16th St St.Paul MN 55112 and mail it off! That's just an example address (-:
Now if you want to do door to door hey great, but may I suggest that you take another person with you,one can pray while the other one witnesses.

These are truly exciting times! Let your love and light for Christ burn bright, bright, bright, because time is ticking and soon the wrath and judgment of God will be upon the unrepentant...pull them out,compell them to God through Jesus with all of your might...for Hell is never full, YET the love and mercy of God cry out Repent for the Kingdom of God IS AT HAND! Jude 20-23, Psalm 9:17, Proverbs 27:20, Ephesians 2: 3-5

For we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. 2nd Corinthians 4:5

Prayer for Everyone


Friday, April 9, 2010

The Song of the King

As I sought the LORD today for what He wanted written He took me to this song. It is His heart and should be the heart of everyone that confesses Christ as LORD. Almost 200,000 people die daily. How many of them will we encounter today? Whether on social networks, or while we are out this weekend look for ways to...

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,snatch them in pity from sin and the grave
Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen, tell them of Jesus the mighty to save.

Tho they are slighting Him, still He is waiting, waiting the penitent child to receive;Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently,He will forgive if they only believe.

Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter,feelings lie buried that grace can restore; touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness, chords that are broken will vibrate once more

Rescue the perishing, duty demands it, strength for thy labor the LORD will provide;back to the narrow way patiently win them, tell the poor wand'rer a Savior has died.
Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Monday, April 5, 2010

Jesus Said GO BACK!

What a wonderful Resurrection Week Celebration we had as we meditated on what went on each day and how Jesus took all our punishment, sin, and death then got UP!! Hallelujah to the LAMB!! Did he do ALL that just so we could sit around and say how blessed we are?? Uhhh NO!

I'm thinking about the man that was in the tombs in Mark chapter 5. He was tore up from the floor up! He was demon possessed, walking around amongst the dead, hurting himself, but when He saw Jesus afar off he worshipped Him. WOW that's powerful right there!

Now after Jesus had delivered him,the set free man wanted to come with Jesus? Why didn't Jesus let him come? Was Jesus afraid that he might get infested with demons again? NO! Was Jesus concerned that this man's testimony might bring him more followers than Christ himself? NO! He told the man to go back to his friends... and that man rocked his area hard for Christ.

This week think about what Christ has told you to you may not have a public ministry that recieves a lot of attention from man, but God has His eye on you and His ears are open to assist you in whatever way needed. We don't have to be in the forefront to run hard for Jesus! Whether we are destined to be on the platform under the lights and cameras leading and equipping God's massive army or whether we are the ones being equipped we all have a role to play. GO BACK to your friends is what Jesus said to the man,what has He said to you???

With every new earthquake we are getting closer to Glory if you don't do something now for Christ...WHEN???

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hook Up with Your Pastors Vision and Make It Happen!

I was at church one Wednesday night last year and of the things that has been studied by different agency's is why more people don't come to church. There were many reasons given, but one of the main ones was the simple fact that no one had invited this particular survey taker.
WOW!! That was confirmation to me because people LOVE to be invited to events. They LOVE to be invited to cookouts and Men/Women fellowships and man if there is food there you KNOW it is on!!!LOL!

Today our Pastor presented all of us with an opportunity to spread love, the Word, and church invite cards. We started at 11 and some of us went up to 4pm getting the word out about our church. We went all over the place from downtown to uptown. My Pastor was out there with all of us and although we were spread all over the city God was with us wherever we went. We gave out 100's of cards today, talked to people about Christ, and shared the love we have for our Pastors and church.

If you aren't excited about Jesus ...Houston there is a problem!!! If you are not excited about where you fellowship umm...there is a problem and it may have nothing to do with who's in charge, as much as it has to do with our hearts. That's another subject altogether, but I want to encourage you get behind your Pastors and church. Whatever they are offering to do to help inform or bless other people GET IN ON IT! We have a motto at our church, "Members Make It Happen!!" That's you and me saints, we are God's hands and feet... do your part and really hook up with your Pastors --they cannot, I repeat they cannot do it alone! (-:

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful

Prayer for Everyone