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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Work Place Evangelism Pt 3

Wasn't that wonderful! Pastor Greg said to always BE READY and look for OPPORTUNITIES. We have been talking about witnessing in the work place and how to represent Christ and His kingdom the last couple of weeks. Today I want to stay with that but focus on us being ourselves and looking for opportunities. Be yourself! Do you! Talk normal! Act normal! Give! Help! Relax!
Remember the POWER to save souls comes from God! We are just the VESSELS God uses so somebody will HEAR about Jesus and get saved. Truly he who wins souls is wise and it's the Word of God and the Spirit of God that actually does the SAVING, while we do the gentle PERSUADING. If we rest in those facts, lifestyle evangelism will be much more natural to us to incorporate into our daily lives.
Being you and talking normal! Now when we are engaged in just regular old conversation with people we don't have to feel compelled to start quoting Scriptures as we interact. Now if God is telling us to or that's just your flow..flow with it! But don't get yourself under condemnation trying to be somebody you are not. I'm just saying you can communicate God's Word and Kingdom principles with your own vocabulary and personality. Please don't go around speaking to folk using a bunch of Thee's and Thou's! You are not, I repeat you are NOT King James nor are you living in that era!LOL!! We have to be relevant to the times and aware of the culture that we are in. We don't want to appear to be strange, although God knows we are a peculiar people! Let them discover that once they get Saved! (-:

Ok, so let's talk opportunities. The best thing we can do is to always be sensetive to God's Spirit and look for ways to bless someone. I mean be a "Need Meeter." Look for ways you can genuinely help people. Be a giver. Be ready with a Word from God! Pay for someone's lunch and when they say thank you tell them it was God that blessed you, so you could bless them. You can actually do that anywhere. Hmmm I just thought about doing that at a restaurant! Praise God! How do we find those opportunities? One way is to watch and listen. Meaning keep your ear to the ground. You may hear about a co worker who is in some kind of financial situation and you may be able to help them. DO it just to just be a blessing. When I was in the marketplace, I was open to giving female co workers rides home. While we were riding, I shared my personal encounter with God with them and my music was working it too. Other times I'd share Cd's and Dvd's with co workers who heard me talk about how good a sermon was to another believer. I'd give money in the name of the LORD to someone in need and they were like blown away. Did I do these things to bring glory to myself! NO WAY!!! I did these things because I have a heart for people, it's in His Word, and I want God glorified. Galatians 6:10 says
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. See there we have it, do good unto all men. So look for opportunities daily where you can be a blessing. People will give our Father in Heaven the glory and He can then use that to give us access, so we can share Jesus with those in our workplace, and our world. My thing is whether people accept Christ or not we should always help them if we can.
Have a great week ahead and as always, Be prepared..Be yourself...and Be led.

Just a kind reminder, please feel free to submit your prayer requests for today.

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Do You LOVE To Give?

Ok Ambassadors did you feel that? That was real wasn't it? We are called, ALL of us to share Christ and His Kingdom. Famous author and motivational speaker John Maxwell said research shows that an introverted person will impact 10,000 people in their lifetime. That is INCREDIBLE! Who are those people though? I don't know 15 people you might say. Well let's think about the people we come into contact with everyday. The mailman, the cashier, our neighbors, teachers, gas attendants etc...throughout a lifetime we will encounter many people who, will then encounter many people and so on and so on. We ALL affect one another one way or the other so why not be more purposeful in your encounters with people. I have a sign by by mailbox and attached to it, I have my church's information. Every person that comes to my door or passes my house sees No Matter What Trust GOD. I live intentionally for God. He has allowed me to see both Heaven and Hell and I'm naturally on "cruise control" when it comes to souls. I don't want ANYBODY to go to Hell, none of us should. Heaven is so beautiful, so peaceful and so joyful. Hell is nasty looking, and just filled with darkness and death. I'll never forget seeing people burning in the Lake of Fire it is forever etched in my soul. Love is and should always be the gasoline in our tanks that drives us to tell other people about Jesus and His kingdom.It's about loving people so much that you want them to experience all the goodness of God here on earth and also in the life to come.

I pray that you let the LORD send you in His love. I pray that you are growing in your confidence in the Lord's ability to use you at work and beyond.
On Friday I'll have more information to share on workplace evangelism so remember dear brothers and sisters in Christ, be prepared, be yourself, and be led.

Just a kind reminder, please feel free to submit your prayer requests for today.

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ


Friday, October 23, 2009

Workplace Evangelism Part 2

I loved that! Kirk is clearly working, but he is clearly representing God as well. On top of that did you notice how he gave out copies of his book? Awesome. We have to make up in our minds that we are going to help people come to Jesus and grow, with every resource we have available.

Inspired? Great!! Now in any type of evangelism the main thing you remember? Being prepared, being yourself, and being led by God's Spirit! Truly, We are not saying that we can do this work ourselves. It is God who makes us able to do all that we do. 2 Corinthians 3:5 He wants to use us to share Jesus and His kingdom principles, so others can experience this "newness of life with God." Acts 8:12 But when Philip told them the Good News about the kingdom of God and the power of Jesus Christ, men and women believed Philip and were baptized. Jesus is a King with a kingdom that is worth promoting with all we have!! Why? Because it's righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost!!! Romans 14:17

More on Workplace Evangelism
I had been talking to everybody in my dept about Christ for about 6 months.They knew where I stood and we had a mutual respect for one another, as well as our own individual beliefs. Why was I there? I was there to make a living AND share Jesus and the kingdom, that's it. I wasn't trying to win friends and influence people, I wasn't there to find a mate, I wasn't there to fit in or be accepted necessarily , I was there to glorify God!! Now in saying that, those very things that I WASN'T there for, happened!! Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. God's Word manifested for me even though I wasn't seeking payment from the LORD, I was doing what I was supposed to.Luke 17:10 It is the same with you. When you have done everything you are told to do, you should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done the work we should do.' AMEN!

So I'm at work and one of my co workers who had been watching me for a while comes up to me and begins to ask questions about her particular situation. We must be mindful that when telling people what God says about his or her situation it isn't until they believe, that they become empowered to truly behave. Sometimes we expect it to be the other way around. So I talked with her and she listened. About a week later she comes to me and tells me that she is ready to accept Christ! So at lunch time we prayed, she repented, and asked Jesus to be the Lord of her life!!! Months passed and it was such a joy to watch her grow. The brother I told you about in the last posting was growing too, and he was facing some serious persecution as well. His wife not fully appreciating this Godly man, nor His new Lord left him shortly after he became a Christian. He was devastated, but he continued on with Christ. So as you can see we have to be ready to help out at all times. Church is about 7 hours a week while they work in close proximity to us 40 hours a week, so be prepared, be yourself and be led!!! To Be Continued......

Just a kind reminder, please feel free to submit your prayer requests for today.

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Personal Evangelism Info

I wanted to start out with this fun video the Evangelism Linebacker! He's intense! His point being evangelism is important and it’s easy to come up with all kinds of excuses to NOT evangelize. Let’s explore why we should evangelize and and one of the many ways to do that. But first what is personal evangelism? It is your personal attempt to convert someone to Jesus Christ. Why would we want to do that? Isn’t that just for the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers, and Pastors? No way!!! God has employed ministers to help equip us to do the work. God expects us to assist Him in performing the works He has predestined for us do Ephesians 4:10-12.

Why evangelize? Because God commands us to and some people in our God given circles of influence are living defeated lives and are on their way to a fiery hell. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. John 12:32 We are the ones He is expecting to lift up Jesus and His kingdom! We want to lead them to Jesus and then help them along on their journey if possible.

Ok so how do we do it? It always, always, requires action! It took someone telling us about Jesus, for us to hear the Gospel and come to Jesus! Whether it was your parents, your Pastor, a friend, a stranger, or a tract that somebody had placed somewhere at just the right time. You may have received Christ at home, at church, Walmart, an amusement park, or right there on the street like me. My main point is somebody, somewhere, took their ministry of reconciliation to heart.

Are you ready to be successful? How can I be so sure of your success you may ask! Because the ability and power rests on God and His Word, and NOT on our own goodness or righteousness. Romans 1:16

So you can go forth in confidence knowing that God is with you, and nothing we ever do for God is in vain.

Suggestion Number 1-The Workplace.

The workplace for me was one of continual harvests! I just let God and my love for the lost lead the way! I want you know that at first I was like Okay…I wasn’t used to being in a fish bowl. But after a couple weeks I got used to it. The key to evangelism is let God use you, be prepared, be yourself, and just flow!

You can start by reading your Bible on breaks. Whichever one(s) you feel will impact the most people. People will see you reading God’s Word consistently and then they really began to watch you! As they watch you they will come to the conclusion that you are a Christian, if they don't know already. They will watch how you handle yourself in various situations and they might even try you to see where you are at. It's fine though just hold steady and keep representing Christ. Afterward they will begin to talk to you about things, some personal and some surface, when they do you be lead by the Spirit and be prepared to exalt and or share Jesus before your conversation is done. Don’t worry! God will lead you, remember He lives in us, and He knows all about the person that we are talking to! He will give you what you need to either plant, water, or bring in the harvest. Trust Him. Afterward you will find yourself kind of discipling your new brother or sister. I gave out Bibles, Books, shared Cd's and other resources too. Whatever they needed to grow God let me know and I did it. Let me give you an example of workplace evangelism, from my own personal experience.

One co worker talked to me off and on about Christ for about a month. With each conversation I always exalted Christ! I would use myself as an example of what Christ did for me when I was in their particular situation and my continual need for the Saviour, they always were respectful and listened. Finally this young man came to talk to me again and I knew it was time for me to ask him if he would like to make a decision for Christ. He said yes, and right there at work he accepted Christ. I gave him a Bible and one of my favorite books (after the Bible) The Believer's Authority by Kenneth Hagin. He took them both and began reading both. How did I know? I would ask him questions when he'd come by my work area on breaks every now and then to see how he was progressing. Well three weeks later he called me on the phone telling me that his daughter was having seizures and he asked for me to pray as he was about to call 911. Well I didn't hear anything after that phone call until work the next day. He said that as he was about to call 911, he felt like God told him to take control over the situation. So he said he rebuked the seizures and commanded his daughter to be healed in Jesus name. He said after he did that the seizures stopped and she returned to normal! A three week old babe in Christ was exercising His authority! How cool is that!!!! Jesus gets us into Heaven no doubt, the only way we can be saved! Acts 4:12

It's important though for us to be able to share kingdom principles with those new babes after they come to Christ, so that they will know how to live and walk in God's dominion. I Thessalonians 2: 11- 13. Be encouraged as you cast your net at work, helping souls escape from the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of light! Your work for the LORD will help to change lives for an eternity!!!

To Be Continued....

Just a kind reminder, please feel free to submit your prayer requests for today.

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Welcome to Lifestyle Evangelism

Hello fellow pray-ers and friends alike. My name is Marva Johnson and I’ve been asked by Lady Bee to share my passion for soul winning with you. Let me start by saying that we as Christians have all the necessary tools needed to win souls. We have love, kindness, creativity, gifts, but most of all the power and presence of God living on the inside of us. God’s desire is for all men to be Saved and He wants to use us to introduce others to His wonderful Son, Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:3 1st Timothy 2:4, Mark 16:15

Did you know that WE are to be ambassadors for God here on the earth?!
2 Corinthians 5:20 Not sure what an ambassador does? Let’s look at Paul.
He represented God as he traveled about and he walked in God’s authority.
He told everybody he could about Christ, and God performed miracles through and for Paul. Those miracles enlarged his sphere of influence and increased his opportunities to share the Gospel.Acts 14:1-10,Acts 28: 1-10. So an ambassador’s main job is to represent and inform others about the government from which he/she has been sent. Do you see it? WE are ambassadors for God! He will work with us in our efforts by confirming His Word and working miracles through us, when the opportunities arise. Mark 16:20

Our main goal for this page is to encourage you in your soul winning efforts. We want to help you find ways to share Christ and His Kingdom with those, in YOUR areas of God given influence. That's lifestyle evangelism!!! READY, SET, LET’S GO!!! Next stop Personal Evangelism!!!

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ


Monday, October 12, 2009


An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ

Lady Bee & Marva

Welcome to Liftstyle Evangelism

Greetings to you my friends in the marvelous name of Jesus!!!

With Halloween right around the corner, LadyBee decided that we come straight out the gate and offer up suggestions to help share Jesus on that particular day. Below you will find some tips to help spread the Gospel, some links, and a couple of cool videos to help encourage you as you begin, or maintain your journey of lifestyle evangelism.

For trick or treaters knocking at your door why not have some kid friendly tracts available for them along with some inspirational candy that you can purchase from They have cross shaped suckers, tangy tarts Scripture candy, and Jesus Loves You pops! Just type in "Religious Candy" and a couple of pages will appear for you. Have a front porch? If you can, put some speakers in the window and play some praise and worship music done by kids and have it playing throughout the night. My favorite kids cd "Kids Shout Praises" at, they have a great selection of kids praise and worship music sure to suit any taste. They also carry a pretty good selection of seasonal tracts and they are a great company to order from. All of the kids in my neighborhood go to church functions every Halloween, so this year I've decided that we're gonna give out goodie bags with tracts and some inspirational candy inside to the kids at our son's bus stop. Maybe you want to dress the part! There are some really good evangelistically themed t-shirts at my favorite place or you can check your local Christian bookstore. Whatever way you plan to incorporate evangelism into your lifestyle have fun, be prepared, and EXPECT God to use YOU to either sow, water, or harvest for HIM!!!

These are just a few ideas that the LORD has given me to be able to shine bright in the night. God bless each one of you as you engage in impacting your sphere of influence for Jesus Christ, through Lifestyle Evangelism.

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ

Lady Bee & Marva