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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Welcome to Lifestyle Evangelism

Hello fellow pray-ers and friends alike. My name is Marva Johnson and I’ve been asked by Lady Bee to share my passion for soul winning with you. Let me start by saying that we as Christians have all the necessary tools needed to win souls. We have love, kindness, creativity, gifts, but most of all the power and presence of God living on the inside of us. God’s desire is for all men to be Saved and He wants to use us to introduce others to His wonderful Son, Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:3 1st Timothy 2:4, Mark 16:15

Did you know that WE are to be ambassadors for God here on the earth?!
2 Corinthians 5:20 Not sure what an ambassador does? Let’s look at Paul.
He represented God as he traveled about and he walked in God’s authority.
He told everybody he could about Christ, and God performed miracles through and for Paul. Those miracles enlarged his sphere of influence and increased his opportunities to share the Gospel.Acts 14:1-10,Acts 28: 1-10. So an ambassador’s main job is to represent and inform others about the government from which he/she has been sent. Do you see it? WE are ambassadors for God! He will work with us in our efforts by confirming His Word and working miracles through us, when the opportunities arise. Mark 16:20

Our main goal for this page is to encourage you in your soul winning efforts. We want to help you find ways to share Christ and His Kingdom with those, in YOUR areas of God given influence. That's lifestyle evangelism!!! READY, SET, LET’S GO!!! Next stop Personal Evangelism!!!

An the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ


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