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Monday, May 31, 2010

Our God Loves and Hates Perfectly

Greetings Ambassadors of the Most High! I love that, God is the Most High! We can go no higher than Him for He is the Highest, Most Powerful and Most Awesome God! Excuse me while I shout! Hallelujah!!!

Don't you love that Scripture in Romans 8:38 that says nothing shall separate us from the love of God? While this is true and something to be cherished and celebrated, it is important to remember that sin does separate us from fellowship with God. There are people that God has loved and continues to love burning in Hell right now. That's why it is critically important for us as Christians to embrace a "lifestyle of repentance" and share that principle with those we lead to Christ. Sometimes people get it twisted thinking that once Saved they can live any old kind of way because God loves them so much. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sin being performed by any saint or sinner is totally offensive to God. He hates sin...period. That's why He sent Jesus to take away our foul garments of sin so we can be clothed properly with a robe of His righteousness. God does not make excuses for sin, nor does He wink and look the other way, no not even for those of us who have a solid relationship with Him. Don't believe me? Let's get the WORD on it.
Exodus 4:24-26 (New King James Version)
24 And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, that the LORD met him and sought to kill him. 25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone and cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it at Moses’[a] feet, and said, “Surely you are a husband of blood to me!” 26 So He let him go. Then she said, “You are a husband of blood!”—because of the circumcision.

Here you have Moses chosen by God to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the promised land. He had a relationship with God! But Moses disobeyed God. He was supposed to circumcise his son and he didn't. So as Moses is heading toward his assignment God meets him on the way and is getting ready to kill him. WOW!!!!!! Then his wife realizing what is about to take place, circumcises the boy. Notice what God does after that bloody act , it reads "So God let Him go." WOW again!!!!! This week as you go on your way and meet lost people think about how much God loves them, then think about how at any moment they might meet God in eternal judgment. This story should be sobering for sinner and saint alike. May we as Saints live circumspectly before God, always instantly repentant and mindful of just how much God HATES sin. May we also sense the urgency for those who at any moment may meet God in an unrepentant state. We must act on their behalf like Zipporah did for Moses and tell them of the blood that Jesus shed for them. God doesn't want ANY to perish. He wants them to enter eternity as a blood washed child of God, instead of a sin stained future occupant of Hell.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful


Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Memorial Day Appreciation & Celebration

Greetings Ambassadors and Warriors of the Most High!!! As Memorial Day approaches I feel the need to publicly appreciate and pay honor to those who have died defending not just this great country, but other countries as well. I live in one area of the country where all five military branches live and defend amongst us. The sound of freedom is seen and heard daily around here as fighter planes fly over head keeping their skills sharp for combat, and air craft carriers come back and forth from deployments.
As a child of God I would be remiss if I did not also include in this public appreciation and celebration- the One who paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of mankind, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'am so grateful that He died for our spiritual freedom from sin and the from the enemy of our souls. Not only did He take our sins and nail them to His cross, He also triumphed mightily over all dark principailities and powers! Jesus life, death, burial, and resurrection showed the world how truly defeated the devil and sins power is, and how truly AWESOME, POWERFUL, and MAGNIFICENT our God is. Colossians 2:13-15 H A L L E L U J A H!!!!

So on this Memorial Day as you celebrate with your family, food, and fun remember all those who have died for freedom including our wonderful LORD and SAVIOR Jesus Christ. Tell somebody this weekend that Jesus died for their freedom too!
As I sit here a thought just came to mind, the taking of Communion. Jesus did say do this in "remembrance of Me"...I think I shall stop by the store and get some grape juice and bread and have communion Monday with the blood washed saints in my house. Thank you for that Father God, I will do it!!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful


Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nobody Loves Humanity More Than God

Greetings Ambassadors of the Most High God!!! I hope you had an awesome weekend, I surely did. (-:

Today I want to share an experience that I had this past Saturday. I had the honor of talking to a young man that had recently started to go back to church. He's learning about God, diligently seeking to know about God and the devil being the devil doesn't like to lose so..this young man had encountered this muslim gentlemen then came to me with all kinds of questions.

After we reasoned together through some things, the young man said he believed in Jesus but couldn't understand why all the people that were trying to find God were not going to Heaven unless they came through Christ. My answer to him was simple John 14:6. Jesus said I'AM the way, the truth, and the life no man comes to the Father except through me.
He then told me how much he loved humanity and doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. He couldn't reconcile it in his mind that God would allow people to suffer eternally, for trying to come to Him another way. So I told him simply that God has already set the rules of engagement in motion, and it is truly "God's way or the Hellway."
I reminded him of the father's wrath in the movie 300 after he saw his son being murdered. That father was M A D!!! I told him that God gave His Son for us, watched His baby boy be mocked, beaten unrecognizable, spit upon, shamed and nailed to a cross in our place. Then God the Father watches people daily reject Jesus as He woos them. I then asked him how would you deal with them later as they stand in your presence unrepentant???
He sat there quiet for a moment. I told him Mohamed was not God's Son, he was not the Savior, and that his body was still in the grave. He finally got it and thanked me.

Truly we have to be ready at all times because we never know when God needs us to speak the truth on His behalf and help people see beyond their own ideas of justice. NOBODY loves humanity more than God, that's why He sent us Jesus. Are you ready to be used by God?(-:

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyonewww.prayer4every1.comGOD BLESS YOU

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do What You Can & Let God Do The Rest!

I had a great day today! I went to my favorite trail and while I exercised I just placed tracts all over the place! As I finished up some tracts were still there, others were gone and I was so glad!!! We live in a world were people move almost at the speed of light, yet God has given us so many ways to share Christ. You may not have a pulpit to preach the Gospel message from right now but I guarantee you this, if you will do for God what you can, HE WILL MAKE A WAY!!! He will enlarge your territory, He will open doors for you--NOT FOR YOU but for the expansion of His Kingdom.

As you go out this weekend share Jesus, somebody's eternity is hanging in the balance. That tract or sharing of your testimony and God's Word, may be just what they need to go form the "valley of decision" to the arms of the "Lily of the Valley" Jesus Christ.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyonewww.prayer4every1.comGOD BLESS YOU

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Call Them to The Wedding of the King Pt 2

Praise God it's a new week! I'm so excited about all the marvelous opportunities that God has already prepared for us this week to be able to share His Son! How about you?! (-:

Last week I talked a little bit about Matthew 22:1-14. I explained why it is so important to share Christ and verse 7 is my main focus.
Matthew 22:7, But when the king heard about it, he was furious. He sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. Think about how you would react if you gave your only precious son to die in the place of sinners and then they mistreat and kill not only him, but some of your servants too! When you come to confront those people you are not coming for conversation, you are coming for blood.

I miss the Evangelists that used to travel throughout the US on a regular basis. People like Dwight Thompson, R.W. Schambach, and Billy Graham.
These men preached with the fire of God in their bellies!!! They lovingly and powerfully preached the reality of God's love and the sureness of an eternity being spent in either Heaven or Hell. There's was not only a message of the mighty love of God, but a messy blood stained cross and the reality of eternal judgment. Guess what, Jesus mentioned Hell too! He spoke of the worms, darkness, gnashing of teeth and so on. He made it very clear what was to come on the unrepentant.

Understand dear ones it's not about making people feel bad or scared, it's about helping them make an informed decision one way or the other based on God's Word.
As Ambassadors we have been given the authority to proclaim the King and His Kingdom. We have been given the honor to tell of His sacrifice and the splendor and power of His Kingdom, as well as warning the unrepentant of the sheer horror and torment that will consume those who reject Christ...that's real love right there. Call them to come! (-:

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

Friday, May 14, 2010

Summer Time, Soul Time

What a wonderful week this has been! I just thank God for all the people we were all able to influence for Jesus Christ!!!

Summer is approaching WOOOOO HOOOOOO!! I'm excited how about you! There will be many people out and about at the pools, rec centers, beaches, amusement parks etc....
Have you made any plans or set any goals to use this harvest rich time for the sharing of the Gospel?!?! Well if not, NOW is the time (-: There are many ways to share the Gospel especially in the summer because no more coats. That means your Christian T-Shirt can be seen and read easily! Wear it while you and your family are out at amusement parks, doing chores outside, or grocery shopping. Gospel T-shirts are a great way to say a lot without saying a word.

Now don't just stop there, get you some tracts too! I know everybody is not comfortable sharing their faith, so these two methods will help you to become bolder and more confident. Can I share something with you that will kick fear right out the door! I will say 99% of the people that I talk to about the Gospel are nice people, they are not rude or anything.If you come to them in a respectful way they will respond respectfully.

Remember the harvest IS plentiful, but the laborers are few. Will you be among the few this summer? Have a great weekend and start planning for the summer, it's gonna be a GREAT one for the Kingdom of God!!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful


Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

Monday, May 10, 2010

Call Them to The Wedding of the King Pt 1

Greetings Ambassadors in the name of Jesus!! It's a new week full of new opportunities to make the King, and His Kingdom known! Hallelujah!!!
Don't you just love weddings? I sure do. How beautiful it is to see a man and a woman covenant to love one another forever. The guests or witnesses gather together dressed so beautifully, and then there is the reception right? A wedding is such a marvelous event indeed! So how would you respond if you were a king who planned a magnificent wedding for your son and those invited did not attend??

In Matthew 22:1-14 Jesus talks about the kingdom of heaven being like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son. So we already know that when a king puts together a wedding for his son he is going to go all out! I immediately think about some of the $1,000,000+ weddings that were televised. !WOW! The opulence, beauty, expense, and care that went into them was simply awe inspiring. Now back to the passage, Jesus continues to tell us that the king sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding. Problem! Those invited did not want to come, that didn't stop the king though, he just kept sending his servants out. Some servants were mocked, some were mistreated, and others were killed. When the king heard about it he was furious so he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their cities. I'm going to stop right there and next Monday we'll finish the passage, but do you see why it is important to tell all those that we can about Christ? We are in 2010 for such a time as this.God the Father is sending us out now!!! Though we have faced and will face many things for His name, none of which can be compared to what Jesus experienced.... He knows that we are IN Him so whatever happens we will be alright. Those who are not IN HIM will face a wrath that will be so awful, that awful doesn't even come close.....

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tell The World of God's Love and Holiness

The fact that God is love does not mean that everything is sweet, beautiful, and happy...God's holiness demands that all sin be punished, but God's love provided a plan of redemption and salvation for sinful people...It was the love of God that sent Jesus Christ to the cross. Evangelist Billy Graham

As you share Jesus this weekend remember that we are coming into contact with people that are literally dying in their sins. God is a holy God, and though God loves them, they are walking on a sheet of thin ice where underneath the flames of eternal judgment are melting it away ever so slowly but ever so surely. My God as I type that I can see it, thank God for Jesus! Where God's holiness demands eternal punishment for sin, God's love cries out Repent! May this picture stay with you all as you encounter sinners, and may a fire, comapassion, and urgency rise up in you to tell the world of God's love and His holiness.

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyonewww.prayer4every1.comGOD BLESS YOU

Monday, May 3, 2010

Be A Walking Buffet!

Greetings to you all today in name of the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS --Jesus Christ. I never get tired of saying His name do you?!!

Today I want to encourage you all to consider yourselves as a "walking buffet." God says in His Word, Man shall not live by bread alone but by EVERY word THAT PROCEEDS FROM GOD. Matthew 4:4 As God's Ambassadors we have to be ready with a Word from God everyday. We never know who God will bring across our path and we need to be able to feed them from God's Word. I know some of you may just be starting out with Christ, or your confidence is being built up don't let that keep you from studying God's Word. Knowing the Word of God is critical because if we don't know the Word we have NOTHING to help others with spiritually!

This week I want to challenge those of you who may have been a bit hesitant sharing the Good News of Jesus. Maybe you've been only giving out tracts or maybe you are only comfortable referring people to your church so your Pastor can lead them to Jesus. Those are still great methods but it's time for some of us to go a little deeper and really get the Word in us. It's good to be able to share God and His Kingdom principles at any given time ourselves, Pastors cannot do it all. It takes faith to minister to others period, and faith comes by hearing God's Word. The more Word in you, the more faith you will operate out of. Be a "walking buffet" for those around you and watch God use you and bless them more and more!

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyonewww.prayer4every1.comGOD BLESS YOU