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Monday, May 10, 2010

Call Them to The Wedding of the King Pt 1

Greetings Ambassadors in the name of Jesus!! It's a new week full of new opportunities to make the King, and His Kingdom known! Hallelujah!!!
Don't you just love weddings? I sure do. How beautiful it is to see a man and a woman covenant to love one another forever. The guests or witnesses gather together dressed so beautifully, and then there is the reception right? A wedding is such a marvelous event indeed! So how would you respond if you were a king who planned a magnificent wedding for your son and those invited did not attend??

In Matthew 22:1-14 Jesus talks about the kingdom of heaven being like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son. So we already know that when a king puts together a wedding for his son he is going to go all out! I immediately think about some of the $1,000,000+ weddings that were televised. !WOW! The opulence, beauty, expense, and care that went into them was simply awe inspiring. Now back to the passage, Jesus continues to tell us that the king sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding. Problem! Those invited did not want to come, that didn't stop the king though, he just kept sending his servants out. Some servants were mocked, some were mistreated, and others were killed. When the king heard about it he was furious so he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their cities. I'm going to stop right there and next Monday we'll finish the passage, but do you see why it is important to tell all those that we can about Christ? We are in 2010 for such a time as this.God the Father is sending us out now!!! Though we have faced and will face many things for His name, none of which can be compared to what Jesus experienced.... He knows that we are IN Him so whatever happens we will be alright. Those who are not IN HIM will face a wrath that will be so awful, that awful doesn't even come close.....

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful
Prayer for Everyone BLESS YOU

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