redeeming the time, because the days are evil.Therefore, be ye not unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:15-17 )
Christmas time is here and I'm soooo excited and it has nothing to do with gifts, but everything to do with sharing Christ! I love that Scripture above because it not only tells us to walk carefully as if walking through a field that has bombs buried at various places within it, but also God is telling us to redeem the time because the days are evil. Now I don't know God's entire plan for your life but one thing I do know--YOU are an Ambassador for Christ and you have a responsibility to the King and Kingdom to share Christ, we all do.
Last July I petitioned my city for a speed bump because there had been several children almost run down by drivers speeding through our neighborhood. Well the city checked into it and after all their data was submitted they said they couldn't give us a speed bump because most people were only speeding by 3 miles. I was bummed, but appreciated them looking into it. Much to my delight though was another piece of information on that report--the city engineer stated that atleast 273 cars pass through my neighborhood daily, I couldn't believe it! Well when I read that I knew what I had to do, dig out my Christmas decorations(on Nov 1st mind you LOL!)----which included my big beautiful lighted garland cross. I rejoice knowing that atleast 273 people will be able to see the cross all lit up with a big bow on it. That's what I want for Christmas---SOULS: Saved, Delievered, Set free! As you decorate, buy cards, wrap gifts, look for items that exalt Jesus...when people are exposed to God's Word during this time of the year they seem to be a little softer, less on edge, and more open to the Gospel! Be encouraged and, "SEIZE THE SEASON! " Make the most of every opportunity not just this season but every single day to share Christ with the lost to the glory of God! (-:
Let God Urge Men to Christ Through YOU! 2 Corinthians 5:20
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