For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. Galatians 5:17
As you lead people to the LORD and/or disciple them let them know that the sinful actions that used to be easy for them, will NOW be a battle royale! That is why being filled with the Holy Spirit is so important. Holy Spirit guides us into all the truth of God. We never have to wonder what God thinks about something for any long period of time because Holy Spirit will tell us!!! Next, we see from the Scripture above that the Holy Spirit is NOT going to compromise, give in, or conform to the sinful nature. He is God the Spirit, and no matter how much we persist or want to do what we want to do, Holy Spirit is not co-signing anything we want unless God the Father approves. So we see that our sinful nature which is our mind, will, and emotions outside the will of God desires things that cause conflict. Why? So we don't do what WE want to. Notice....Holy Spirit desires for us what is contrary to our sinful nature. Every time we TRY to step out of God's will, the battle gets intense. That is when you start having some serious internal conflict and the peace of God leaves the temple! New believers often feel defeated and discouraged because some think when they accepted Christ they become untouchable! Meaning they won't be affected by temptation or anger etc....then when they give in to the old nature they don't "feel" Saved, and they want to denounce Christ. That is where we come into the picture, and we let them know that there is a battle going on, and the more they yield to God's Word and Spirit the more victorious, strong, and mature they will become. The conflict although heavy at times should also bring comfort. ??? Because if you or I were in a very bad place spiritually speaking there would be no conflict, just straight up sinning and darkness WITHOUT the conviction of God's Spirit. Internal conflict is great...no internal conflict is bad.
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