Isaiah 58:11
The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
It is being reported that we in the US, are in the worst drought that has taken place for a long time. Even the great Mississippi River is needing assistance from the Army Corps of Engineers, so ships containing billions of dollars of precious cargo, can pass through the "Muddy Mississippi." As CHRISTians God is our help and He is willing, able, and faithful enough to DO just what our memory verse says. GOD will guide, satisfy, and strengthen us. In the middle of a "sun scorched land" GOD promises that we will BE like well watered gardens and a spring that never fails. As we witness and disciple people in Christ, lets assure them that their Heavenly Father has resources that will NEVER run out or dry up. Whether He provides , Lobster, Ramen noodles, or flesh from ravens by a brook...God takes care of His children!!! Even in this drought, we will thrive spiritually and physically because GOD is with us, and HE is providing everything we need!
Have a great weekend and tell somebody --- about Jesus. (-:
with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone
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