USA Today had an article about a man who described himself as a “recovering evangelist.” He said that he used to engage in what he called “bait-and-switch” methods. In other words, he would engage a person with the purpose of bringing the gospel to them, But now he has changed his approach. Instead, he advocates “All bait, no switch, and he thinks others should, as well.” He advocates promotion by non-promotion, evangelism by attraction, goodwill mongering, or simply letting one’s life speak for itself.”
He suggests that we just “live the life,”and let the “spiritual chips fall where they will.”
But what does Jesus command us to do?!? He said go and proclaim the Kingdom of God and make disciples. Luke 9:60 & Mathhew 28:19
While our lives should speak clearly to those around us that we are indeed Christians and Disciples of Christ, we still need to talk to people. Think about this-- we are born into this world. As we mature we become aware of our surroundings. We look up into the sky one night enjoying the beautiful stars and planets. Then we think, hmmm... how did they get there. We see the ocean and the flowers, the mountains and waterfalls or better yet we have the opportunity to see a child being born into the earth. Now clearly God is made known through His handiwork, but what if He just stopped there? I thank Him with every fiber of my being that He didn't. He sent His Son....and when Jesus came the first message He procalimed was "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand."
We MUST "SHARE" the Gospel of Jesus Christ in addition to "SHOWING" those around us that we have encountered the Christ of the Gospel...
We are God's Kingdom Expansion Team!!!
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