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Monday, July 19, 2010

Sharing Jesus is More Than a "Show" Pt 2

Greetings Ambassadors and Saints of the Most High God! He's given us one more day to make a divine imapact and imprint on somebody's life today with the Good News!!! Hallelujah!
Last week I talked about how the brother said in USA Today that he was a recovering evangelist. He said he has just decided that it's better to let his life speak and draw people, rather than him approaching them first and sharing Christ.

Personally for me Telling and Showing is better because all through the Scripture Jesus said GO, PROCLAIM, and MAKE disciples. One thing that we have to always remember is that we are anointed. WE as Believers have the Anointed One and His Anointing living on the inside of us..we are HIS temple, and HIS Word is anointed. As you begin to meditate on this fact you will become more confident, you will experience the freedom of sharing Christ knowing that God is for you, in you, and with you, as you share His Son. Next you will enjoy sharing your story(testimony) giving God the glory while you plan to tell them His story too! As you grow in confidence you will even get to the point where you are comfortable just striking up a conversation about Jesus. Always, plan to get a yes to Jesus instead of a no! Some people keep themselves in fear because they are so sure that they and the Gospel will be rejected. While it is true not everyone will want to hear what you have to say or want to recieve Jesus right then, guess what? That's ok (-: You did what God wanted and your reward comes from Him, for your obedience, NOT a soul that either accepts or rejects Him. When I started a job I always made my stand for Christ known first, usually during orientation, THEN I showed them, and approached them individually. The main thing to remember is that people's time on the earth is short. Waiting on them to come to us and ask us about Jesus or why we live the way we do is kind of risky where they are concerned. God says,"At the right time I heard you, and on a day of salvation I helped you." Listen, now is really the "right time!" Now is the "day of salvation!" 2 Corinthians 6:2. God is the only One who knows how long anyone has on this earth. As our Creator- He alone fully comprehends the glories of Heaven and the horrific conditions of Hell and He wants all people to enjoy the first and avoid the latter....will you tell them before it's too late? I'm believing God and praying that we as the Body of Christ will continue to go forth in boldness, courage, caring, and compassion to reach the lost at any cost for Christ. Always remember somebody shared Jesus with you...all you have to do is return the favor (-:

We are God's Kingdom Expansion Team!!!


Prayer for Everyone


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