But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. Romans 13:14
This is a powerful Scripture and a most helpful and beneficial one for us all. With people losing jobs, houses, money etc...it is very comforting. Why? Because it gives us a key to avoid gratifying the flesh, and that is putting on Jesus Christ. Now, before we can put ON Jesus we have to not only KNOW Jesus, but the HOW-- about Jesus! As temptation to gratify our flesh grows with every new opportunity to "do it our way" or "help God out" we have to remember how Jesus did it when He walked the earth. He totally depended on the Father. He said I do what I see my Father do. WOW!!!! Just stop and think about that for a minute. Jesus did not give in to His flesh when things got tight or challenging. He prayed, and trusted His Father to provide whatever it was that He or His followers needed. Put on the LORD Jesus Christ. Teach those new babes the HOW about Jesus, and neither you or them will be over run by fleshly desires. We love you all and have a great weekend!!!
with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone
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