But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. Acts 1:8
All around us people are enslaved to sin, hurting, and dying. While we may be well versed and rehearsed-- we CANNOT witness in our own strength and mental capability alone! NO we NEEEEED the Holy Spirit's infilling. The Holy Spirit knows ALL THINGS! When we go out- He already knows who's going to cross our path, and how much time they have left on the Earth!!! We cannot rely on the flesh to lead us, we need GOD to lead us. We cannot just gravitate toward those that "look" down and out on the outside, because there are plenty of well dressed folk on the outside, who are dying a slow death INSIDE. What I'm trying to say here, is that, don't think because someone "looks" like they are alright, that they ARE alright. When you go out, go out guided and filled with God's Spirit, and just go, go, GO! Go to anyone and every one you can! African, European, Latino, Asian, male, female, old, young, rich or poor. Death comes to all--so we must GO to all, in the power of the Holy Spirit!!!!
We love you and may you plant and or reap a great HARVEST this week!
with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone
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