For "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved."
Romans 10:13
Just stop and look real good at that picture and then say that Scripture again. See the connection??? Oh that picture thrills my soul because it's describing what a section of our population looks like and gravitates towards! The Good News is that Jesus came for EVERYBODY! He did not come just for this part of society or that part--NO! He came for ALL OF US!!!! Why? Because SIN affects all of us! Some people get intimidated by the way people "look"on the outside and guess what--that is the enemy's purpose! You see a young man or woman all tatted up and your flesh may want you to cross the street to avoid them OR they may just look plain scary! LOL!! I understand and so does God, but guess what? That fact does not release us from our assignment! We can't be SO Heavenly minded, that we are no Earthly good. No condemnation--but we have to be so careful NOT focus on the exterior, instead of the interior...the precious spirit of man. Let your concern for their possible eternal damnation, encourage you more than their outward appearance discourages you!
We love you, and may you sow and or reap a great Harvest this week!
with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone
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