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Friday, September 28, 2012

Evangelism Is ALL About God's POWER

But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. Acts 1:8

All around us people are enslaved to sin, hurting, and dying. While we may be well versed and rehearsed-- we CANNOT witness in our own strength and mental capability alone! NO we NEEEEED the Holy Spirit's infilling. The Holy Spirit knows ALL THINGS! When we go out- He already knows who's going to cross our path, and how much time they have left on the Earth!!! We cannot rely on the flesh to lead us, we need GOD to lead us. We cannot just gravitate toward those that "look" down and out on the outside, because there are plenty of well dressed folk on the outside, who are dying a slow death INSIDE. What I'm trying to say here, is that, don't think because someone "looks" like they are alright, that they ARE alright. When you go out, go out guided and filled with God's Spirit, and just go, go, GO! Go to anyone and every one you can! African, European, Latino, Asian, male, female, old, young, rich or poor. Death comes to all--so we must GO to all, in the power of the Holy Spirit!!!!

We love you and may you plant and or reap a great HARVEST this week!

with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone

Friday, September 21, 2012

Search and Rescue

For the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost. Luke 19:10

God's whole purpose for sending Jesus, and putting Him on the cross for our sins, and raising Him from the dead, was so Jesus could accomplish God's, "Search and Rescue Mission." Mankind has turned each one to his own ways not understanding the eternal consequences. No one on this planet enjoys living without a "good" parents' presence in their lives. No one enjoys suffering, and no one enjoys prolonged pain! Yet, before Christ, we lived like there was NO tomorrow, just today. Careless and wreckless in our sin, with no thought of the future or life after death. God in His goodness sent Jesus to rescue us from a Fatherless life on Earth, and eternally. Now, it is true, God created Hell for the devil and His angels, but those that reject God's salvation WILL go there too. Saints of God, every time we share Jesus-- we are attempting a "Search and Rescue Mission." Some will come with us, others will fight the Truth we represent, but it's ok. We just need to DO our part.

We love you and may you plant and reap a GREAT harvest this weekend!

with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone

Friday, September 14, 2012

The HOW About Jesus

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. Romans 13:14

This is a powerful Scripture and a most helpful and beneficial one for us all. With people losing jobs, houses, money is very comforting. Why? Because it gives us a key to avoid gratifying the flesh, and that is putting on Jesus Christ. Now, before we can put ON Jesus we have to not only KNOW Jesus, but the HOW-- about Jesus! As temptation to gratify our flesh grows with every new opportunity to "do it our way" or "help God out" we have to remember how Jesus did it when He walked the earth. He totally depended on the Father. He said I do what I see my Father do. WOW!!!! Just stop and think about that for a minute. Jesus did not give in to His flesh when things got tight or challenging. He prayed, and trusted His Father to provide whatever it was that He or His followers needed. Put on the LORD Jesus Christ. Teach those new babes the HOW about Jesus, and neither you or them will be over run by fleshly desires. We love you all and have a great weekend!!!

with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone

Friday, September 7, 2012

Freed to Follow & Freed to Fish

Jesus said to them, "Come, follow Me! I will teach you how to catch people instead of fish." At once they left their nets and followed Him. Matthew 4:19-20

As I meditated on this Scripture this week, I kept coming back to this question,"Is it safe then to believe that those who truly follow Jesus -- will truly fish for men?!" I get nothing but a resounding YES in my spirit! When Jesus came out of the desert, the first statement He made was for us all to REPENT! So, it only makes sense that those that follow Him, operate LIKE Him. Notice Jesus didn't say, "Follow Me! I will make you rich, successful, or the next gold medalist!" While there is NOTHING wrong with these things, Jesus number one mission on Earth and in the lives of men is to bring them to the Father through Him. It is our responsibility as FREE FOLLOWERS to "GO FISHING!" It matters not what your fish look like and it matters not if after they have been caught by the Gospel, they decide to jump back into the world's ocean of sin. NOT our job to detain the fish against their will.... our job is to catch their attention with the Word and give them an opportunity to stay in the boat!! WE have been called to fish for men --saints. Just like a school of fish, the lost are going through life aimlessly, just doing what they do. We are the King's fishermen and women---CAST your nets, give them Jesus, and leave the results to God! Have a great weekend! We love you (-:
with Evangelist Marva Johnson at
Prayer for Everyone