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Friday, April 8, 2011

Who Did You Come For???

" Luke 5:32 (Amplified Bible) I have not come to arouse and invite and call the righteous, but the erring ones (those not free from sin) to repentance [to change their minds for the better and heartily to amend their ways, with abhorrence of their past sins].

This is what Jesus came to do, and I will be eternally grateful to Him for doing just that!!!!!! Isn't it great to encourage those that are already "righteous through Jesus?!" Isn't it awesome to be able to disciple new believers too?! Yes those things are AWESOME but Jesus came specifically for the erring ones Those who have a releationship with God --HE IS growing us, and pruning us. HE IS OUR LORD. In this verse I love this part-- those not free from sin. WE HAVE BEEN FREED FROM SIN!!! HALLELUJAH!!! That is truly what Jesus has done, made us free!!! WHY? So we could live in that 200,000 house? So we could drive that Benz? So we could wear those clothes by that designer, or sport that Coach pocket book? Now listen, if you have those things or want those things that's perfectly fine, as long as that is what GOD WANTS FOR YOU. There are too many CHRISTians in debt, going into debt trying to live the American Dream....WAKE UP!!!!LOL!!! JESUS is not going to give out rewards for the most toys aquired, He will be giving out rewards to us according the assignments that He has given us that we faithfully completed. GUESS WHAT??? The command He left us about telling people about Him, is going to come up as we stand before Him at His judgement seat... So we can see from this verse also that Jesus wants sinners to be aware of their sins and the evil of them, the foulness of them and He wants them to be disgusted by them ALL. He wants sinners to understand that sin--is disgusting and it is rebellion against God. He wants them to be Godly sorry enough to turn from them and turn to HIM for forgiveness and freedom. Don't just LOOK for opportunities to share Christ--MAKE opportunities!!! That's what YOU and I are here for (-:

Let God Urge Men to Christ Through YOU! 2 Corinthians 5:20


Prayer for Everyone


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