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Monday, December 28, 2009

HOT Deals to Help Spread the Gospel in 2010

CHRISTmas was great this year wasn't it! So now why not start planning for 2010 and take advantage of all the great deals going on. I received an email a couple of days ago from and they are having a pretty good sale on their "Jesus is the Gift" line. So far it's up to 75% off and it includes household items, gift bags, and evangelism ideas and resources. They also have CHRISTmas cards that can be personalized that I used last year to help spread the Good News among my co workers on up to the General Manager of our company, it was great!!!

Also check out Christian book stores for deals that will help you advance the Kingdom through out the year too. I use they have mugs for birthdays, pens, Scripture candy, journals, kids gifts, t-shirts etc...there are so many ways to share Jesus!

Proverbs 11:30

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.

I know some of you took what you learned here and went for it- God was pleased by your efforts and your fellowman was blessed because of your love for their souls!!

Have a great week ahead and get in on those deals that will help make spreading the Gospel easier and less expensive for the upcoming year. Remember...

Be prepared, Be yourself, Be obedient and Be joyful


Prayer for Everyone
Humbled Brothers & Passionate Sisters

We Thank You & We Love You
God Blesses You

1 comment:

Prayer and Word for Everyone said...

Marva, this is a great idea!!! For birthdays, holidays and all types of gift giving. What a wonderful way of showing our love for others. To God be the glory!!!

Love & Blessings
to You and Family